The official Zapier integration for You can start using the integration today by clicking here. Please open a new issue for any problems or feature requests. You can also reach out to our email anytime. We're excited to see what you build!
- Send an email to new customers with their license key and a download link to your app
- Generate a new Keygen license for a new Chargebee subscription
- Upload a Keygen release when a new GitHub release is created
- Create a Keygen license when a new Stripe payment succeeds
- Suspend a Keygen license when a Stripe subscription is canceled
- Renew a Keygen license when a Stripe subscription is renewed
- Send an email notification when a new release is published
- Update per-seat billing when a device is activated
- Send a welcome email when a license is created
yarn global add zapier-platform-cli
Zapier runs on AWS Lambda and requires Node 10.
yarn validate
yarn push
If you want to make changes and run your own version of this integration, remove the
file and create a new Zapier integration with zapier register "My integration"
under your own Zapier account.