This ia a quick project whipped up for TAD Hackathon. It utilizes Tropo's Voice API to place phone calls. The idea is to create automated wake up call alarm service that interacts with the recipient to provide a more personal and effective method of waking up.
- run
npm install
- create a json file named
. This file should resemble:
"token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
being your Tropo voice app key
var TropoDialer = require('./lib/tropo-dialer'),
TropoSession = require('./lib/tropo-session'),
testTropoDialer = new TropoDialer(),
testTropoSession = new TropoSession('+15551230987', {
// logic can be assigned here with a map like object
start: {
question: 'Good morning. Are you awake?',
options: "yes, no, tired",
getNextAction: function (result) {
switch (result.actions.value) {
// return values are used to execute the next action
case 'yes':
return false;
case 'tired':
return 'inspirational';
case 'no' :
return 'notAwake';
notAwake: {
message: 'Then wake up!'
inspirational: {
message: "Remember the early bird gets the worm"
testTropoDialer.dial(testTropoSession, function(){
console.log('session complete');
takes a logic object map which can be used to handle the conversation.
Each root member of the logic map specifies an action.
Actions can either be a question or message.
Question objects must follow the structure:
question: "A string consisting of the question to pose",
options: "A, string, of, comma, separated, options", // Tropo suggests use of single words
getNextAction: "A function that accepts the recipients response and returns the name of the next action"
- Returning false on getNextAction ends the conversation.
Messages must simply have one field: message
. Ex:
message: "A string to read to the recipient"