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eamorgan997 edited this page Aug 6, 2018 · 2 revisions

Flashing the Bootloader

Set up JLink pins as shown in the photos.

Power with micro usb and then plug in JLink. Open Atmel Studio.

Select the Device Programming Button.

A pop up should appear. Select the J-Link tool, the ATSAMD21G18A Device and the SWD interface.

Click Apply.

Next select read.

After a few seconds it should recognize the device signature and target voltage (3.3v). If not, check that everything is connected properly and the board is powered.

Select Memories from the toolbar on the left.

Copy the path for the bootloader code into the flash field. This can be any bootloader code but we have been using the Sparkfun bootloader located in the bootloaders folder of the github.


Select Erase Flash before programming

Select Program and your bootloader will be flashed!!!

Note: Make sure you never set the security bit by accident. This will totally lock the micro and you will not be able to flash anything.

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