MAIHNMASTseg is a segmentation program for EM maps with symmetry.
Copyright (C) 2019 Genki Terashi, Daisuke Kihara, and Purdue University.
License: GPL v3 for academic use. (For commercial use, please contact us for different licensing)
Contact: Daisuke Kihara (
Cite : Terashi, G., Kagaya, Y. & Kihara, D. MAINMASTseg: Automated Map Segmentation Method for Cryo-EM Density Maps with Symmetry. J Chem Inf Model 60, 2634-2643 (2020).
- UCSF Chimera {EM map preparation & visualization} :
- Pymol{for visualiztion} :
- OpenMP library
- C compiler (gcc or clang in Mac)
- Install Xcode
- Install Homebrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
- Install OpenMP
brew install libomp
- Complile code
git clone<br>
rm MAINMASTseg *.o #remove compiled files
make -f MakefileMacOS #For mac
- Complile code
git clone
cd MAINMASTseg<br>
rm MAINMASTseg *.o #remove compiled files
Example1 contains all input files and result files.
Please check
In Example1, there is a map file (emd-0093.mrc). MAINMASTseg requires (1) Density map (mrc format), and (2) Rotation Matrix file.
Some EM map contains many noise at the recommended contour level.
Before computing segmentation, noise can be removed hideDust command, in UCSF Chimera.
sop hideDust #0 size 100 metric volume
Then save as "MAP_m4A.mrc".
EMD-0093 has C4 symmetry. The map size is (220x1.34,220x1.34,220x1.34).
The center of the map is (147.4,147.4,147.4).
In Chimera,
- open 6gyn.pdb as #0
- Type the following command in Chimera command line
sym #0 group c4 center 147.4,147.4,147.4
- Save all pdbs as symmetry.pdb
- Extract the rotation matrix from the saved pdb file as:
grep BIOMT[1-3] symmetry.pdb > MTX.txt
When the center of the EM map is unknown. phenix.map_symmetry is able to identify the rotation matrix.
phenix.map_symmetry MAP_m4A.mrc symmetry=C4
Then, convert the output file (symmetry_from_map.ncs_spec) to MTX.txt.
../ symmetry_from_map.ncs_spec > MTX.txt
MAINMASTseg generates the segmented MST (-M option) and density maps (-W option).
../MainmastSeg -i MAP_m4A.mrc -Y MTX.txt -c 8 -t 0.7 -M > test.cif
Visualize MSTs by Pymol:
../ test.cif > a.txt
Open a.txt by pymol:
pymol -u a.txt
Once you confirmed the MSTs, MAINMASTseg can generate the segmented density maps with -W option:
../MainmastSeg -i MAP_m4A.mrc -Y MTX.txt -c 8 -t 0.7 -M -W > test2.cif
This command will generate 4 mrc-format files (region0.mrc,region1.mrc,region2.mrc,region3.mrc).
This program makes a Pymol script for visualization of MSTs. [Output of MAINMASTseg (CIF format)] > a.txt
Then, the "a.txt" can be used by pymol as
pymol -u a.txt
This program convert symmetry_from_map.ncs_spec (output file of phenix.map_symmetry) to the rotation matrix file. [symmetry_from_map.ncs_spec] > MTX.txt