Alan Engel 03 October, 2024
This R package is forked from Stefanie Schneider’s original viafr package at GitHub (Schneider 2024). The objective is to extend the original package to enable discovery of social networks of coauthors from VIAF clusters. VIAF is an OCLC service that combines multiple LAM (Library, Archive, and Museum) name authority files into a single name authority service. It thus provides direct access to linked names for the same entity across the world’s major name authority files, including national and regional variations in language, character set, and spelling. For more information go to VIAF.
This R package uses the VIAF (Virtual International Authority File) API.
To install this development version from GitHub use:
# install.packages("devtools")
You can install the original released version of viafr from CRAN with:
The development version of viafr
can be installed from
GitHub with
# install.packages("devtools")
Arben Hajra (Hajra 2020) proposed using globally known persistent identifiers, such as VIAF IDs, in an algorithmic approach to disambiguate authors. Particularly relevant is Hajra’s use of co-author data from VIAF clusters.
viafr R Interface to the VIAF (Virtual International Authority File) API (Schneider 2024)
viaf R client for VIAF (Virtual International Authority File)(Jahn 2015)
vocab-apis Python scripts to pull and convert data between Library of Congress vocabularies and other external vocabularies (GeoNames, VIAF, etc) (Janowiecki 2023)
VIAF NPM JavaScript wrapper for the VIAF API in node (Phetteplace 2014)
VIAF Information Service for CollectiveAccess PHP - Queries the VIAF for Personal Names and outputs the first page of hits to choose from. (Michelin 2018)
viaf-analysis R - takes result file from parser and make json input to R (Klein 2013)
wikidataSex Java, Python - for analysing, adding and sourcing sex claims on wikidata through VIAF and LCCN (Klein 2014)
viaf-jskos PHP - JSKOS wrapper to Virtual International Authority File (VIAF) (Voß 2017)
MATCHPOINT JavaScript - Link author names to VIAF repository (Candela 2016)
viafsbn Python - Un semplice strumento per cercare da linea di comando codici VIAF (OCLC) e SBN (ICCU) (Consonni 2013b)
viaf-sbn_reconciler Python - Reconcile authority control files from VIAF (maintained by OCLC) and Italian SBN (maintained by ICCU) (Consonni 2013a)
viaf-entity-lookup JavaScript - Find entities (people, places, organizations) in VIAF. (Frizzera 2021)
viaf-link-quick-statements PHP, JavaScript - convert VIAF authority links into importable Wikidata QuickStatements (Irwin 2020)
ld4l_services Java - A web app providing name lookup and triple extraction from a number of cached sources, including DBpedia, FAST, GeoNames, GRID, and VIAF (Eichmann 2023)
wiki_utils Python - Functions to retrieve data from VIAF, BNE, etc. and Wikimedia projects (Zazo 2024)
Please report issues, feature requests, and questions to the GitHub issue tracker. Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in rviaf you agree to abide by its terms.
Candela, Gustavo. 2016. “MATCHPOINT.” GitHub Repository.; GitHub.
Consonni, Cristian. 2013a. “Viaf-Sbn_reconciler.” GitHub Repository.; GitHub.
———. 2013b. “Viafsbn.” GitHub Repository.; GitHub.
Eichmann, Dave. 2023. “Ld4l_services.” GitHub Repository.; GitHub.
Frizzera, Luciano. 2021. “Viaf-Entity-Lookup.” GitHub Repository.; GitHub.
Hajra, Arben. 2020. “Content Enrichment of Digital Libraries: Methods, Technologies and Implementations.” PhD thesis, Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel.
Irwin, Ken. 2020. “Viaf-Link-Quick-Statements.” GitHub Repository.; GitHub.
Jahn, Najko. 2015. “R Client for VIAF API.” GitHub Repository.; GitHub.
Janowiecki, Michelle. 2023. “Vocab-Apis.” GitHub Repository.; GitHub.
Klein, Max. 2013. “Viaf-Analysis.” GitHub Repository.; GitHub.
———. 2014. “wikidataSex.” GitHub Repository.; GitHub.
Michelin, Gautier. 2018. “VIAF NPM.” GitHub Repository.; GitHub.
Phetteplace, Eric. 2014. “VIAF NPM.” GitHub Repository.; GitHub.
Schneider, Stefanie. 2024. “Viafr.” GitHub Repository.; GitHub.
Voß, Jakob. 2017. “Viaf-Jskos.” GitHub Repository.; GitHub.
Zazo, Angel. 2024. “Wiki_utils.” GitHub Repository.; GitHub.