A tiny utility for Unity3D for graphing a data sets over time.
- Add TimeGraph.cs and TimeGraphData.cs source files to your project.
- Attach the TimeGraph script to your camera GameObject.
NOTE: the script uses the "OnPostRender()" message to render the graph, and will not work unless attached to a camera.
These parameters are serialized in the editor, and can be set by modifying the values in the inspector or through code.
- Enabled (m_enabled) - Boolean, if set to false the graph will not render.
- Position (m_position) - Vector2, defines the graph position as an offset in pixels from the top left corner.
- Size (m_size) - Vector2, the size of the graph in pixels ( width, height ).
- Vertical Range (m_verticalRange) - Vector2, the y value range ( min, max ). Values outside this range will be clamped.
- Horizontal Entries (m_horizontalEntries) - Int, total number of times to display on the x axis. Value will be automatically clamped to the range of ( 1, m_size.x ). Can never display at once more items than the actual width of the graph ( in which case each item is represented by 1 pixel width ).
- Baseline Color (m_baselineColor) - Color, defines the color of the graph outline.
- TimeGraphDataSet() - Creates a new data set.
- TimeGraphDataSet( Color color ) - Creates a new data set and assigns set color to color.
- void PushData( float y ) - Pushes a new value into the set.
- void SetMaxEntries( int maxEntries ) - Sets the maximal number of data entries in the set. Pushing data that would exceed this limit will remove older entires.
- int AddDataSet( TimeGraphDataSet dataSet ) - Adds the specified data set to the graph and returns it's index.
- void PushData( float value ) - Pushes specified data to the data set at index 0. If non existent will silently fail.
- void PushData( int set, float value ) - Pushes specified data to the data set at index denoted by set. If set does not exists will silently fail.