This repository contains a code for crop monitoring modules (corn height, corn stalk radius) for ROS compatible UGVs. For corn height estimation, 3D point cloud from a vertically mounted 3D LiDAR Ouster OS1-64 are used. A 2D laser scan from a inexpensive 2D LiDAR ROBOTIS LDS-01 is used to estimate each corn stalk radius. The result of each module of our system can be found here. ->
- ROS (Tested with melodic.)
- Clearpath Jackal simulation (Follow the instructions to use the simulation.)
You can use the following commands to download and compile the package.
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
P-AgBot consists of a unique combination and configuration of integrated sensors. P-AgBot and its components are as follows: (1) Tracking camera, (2) 3D LiDAR sensor, (3) Two-finger style gripper, (4) RGB-D camera, (5) Six degree-of-freedom robotic arm, (6) Servo motor, (7) 3D printed linkage with nichrome wire end-effector, and (8) 2D LiDAR sensor.
- Run the simulation world launch file:
roslaunch jackal_simulation_iros.launch
- Run the localization launch file:
roslaunch amcl_lds.launch
- Run the navigation launch file:
roslaunch autonomous_navigation.launch
- (1) Run the crop height estimation launch file:
roslaunch crop_height.launch
- (2) Run the stalk radius estimation launch file:
roslaunch stalk_radius.launch