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Releases: klange/toaru-nih


29 Sep 07:00
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ToaruOS is a hobby operating system for x86 PCs built completely from scratch.

This release comes in two flavors: the "core" distribution containing only first-party code, and the "extra" distribution which contains some third-party libraries (and later, applications). While Python was previously included in releases, it will only be available in the "extra" distribution moving forward. I am hoping to provide my own scripting environment in the "core" distribution in a future update.


screenshot from 2018-09-29 15-58-35

ToaruOS Core consists only of first-party components. All libraries, applications, kernel modules, as well as the kernel and bootloaders were written from scratch by the ToaruOS development team.


screenshot from 2018-09-29 15-45-26

ToaruOS Extra is intended as a continuation of ToaruOS 1.2.x, and includes a few third-party libraries and applications on-disk. Python 3.6, Freetype, and Cairo are available in ToaruOS Extra, and several graphical applications written in Python are included on the CD. Eventually, the remaining ports that were available for ToaruOS 1.2.x will be available for Extra, but work on this is still ongoing.

What's New in this Release

151 commits have been made since the release of ToaruOS-NIH 1.5.0.

  • Improvements to the text editor, Bim, including character selection and speedups.
  • More support for VMware Workstation, including support for automatic display resizing.
  • A new syntax-highlighting line editor for the shell, based on work done in Bim.
  • Window rotation is available again in the compositor.
  • A new Freetype backend has been added for the Terminal, decorator, and menu libraries, when Freetype is available (used by the Extra distribution).
  • A new Cairo backend for the compositor is available, which offers significant speedups (used by the Extra distribution).
  • With Cairo and Freetype, many new Python GUI applications have been ported from ToaruOS 1.2.x (available for use on the Extra distribution).
  • Many notable kernel and procfs improvements.
  • Decorations now support different rendering modes, such as when a window is maximized. The API for decoration bounds has changed to accommodate this.

Usage Instructions

Please follow the instructions in the README for running ToaruOS in various virtual machines.


21 Aug 14:30
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ToaruOS-NIH is intended as a distribution of ToaruOS built upon no third-party components. This demo image includes a mostly functioning base desktop, using all in-house libraries, as well as a port of Python 3.6. The CD is bootable in virtual machines including QEMU, Bochs, and VirtualBox. EFI (both IA32 and X64) is supported for booting. Please note that the BIOS loader is fragile and is likely to only work under these emulators or very specific hardware configurations - if you intend to run ToaruOS-NIH from real hardware, EFI is recommended.


What's New

This is the first version of ToaruOS-NIH being distributed as a proper release rather than a demo, and includes many improvements over the final demo release:

  • Significant improvements have been implemented in bim, the text editor, including syntax highlighting, improved Unicode support, support for different color themes, line selection, yanking, and other general improvements to editing. Users are encouraged to try out bim, especially by writing Python applications within the OS using the provided Yutani bindings.
  • Support for getty -a and login -f has been added.
  • Improvements have been made to the QEMU harness.
  • Changes to the boot process to support booting a serial directly to a logged-in shell have been implemented.
  • Source code for applications and libraries has been cleaned up somewhat.
  • Fixes for building and running under WSL have been implemented.
  • Various fixes for the terminal emulators.
  • Environment variable handling has been improved.

Future releases of ToaruOS-NIH will continue to use kernel version numbers instead of the demo version numbers.

Using QEMU

WIth QEMU, it is recommended you run the image as follows for best compatibility:

qemu-system-i386 -cdrom image.iso -serial mon:stdio -m 1G -soundhw ac97,pcspk -enable-kvm

You may also wish to look into using the tool to run QEMU with some additional functionality under certain environments.

For a headless boot using your local terminal, QEMU can be run as follows:

qemu-system-i386 -cdrom image.iso -serial mon:stdio -m 1G -soundhw ac97,pcspk -enable-kvm \
  -nographic -no-reboot \
  -fw_cfg name=opt/org.toaruos.bootmode,string=headless \
  -fw_cfg name=opt/org.toaruos.forceuser,string=local

To exit headless mode, simply exit the shell.

Known Issues

Some features are missing from the File Browser application. The Help Browser application is still a blank stub.

The bootloader does not currently employ any compression and ramdisk loading may take several seconds.

The BIOS bootloader is very rudimentary and is only expected to work under the ideal conditions of supported virtual machines.

Due to missing libraries and changes to the names and ABIs of system libraries, existing Python graphical applications from mainline ToaruOS are not supported in NIH.

Demo v0.10

12 Aug 12:02
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ToaruOS-NIH is intended as a distribution of ToaruOS built upon no third-party components. This demo image includes a mostly functioning base desktop, using all in-house libraries, as well as a port of Python 3.6. The CD is bootable in virtual machines including QEMU, Bochs, and VirtualBox. EFI (both IA32 and X64) is supported for booting. Please note that the BIOS loader is fragile and is likely to only work under these emulators or very specific hardware configurations - if you intend to run ToaruOS-NIH from real hardware, EFI is recommended.

What's New

This release features many improvements over the last demo:

  • Improvements have been made to the EFI loader and kernel to help with booting under vmware.
  • The GUI login system has been reintroduced from older Toaru mainline.
  • Several new applications/commands have been added.
  • A new init system using shell scripts has been introduced.
  • Support for VirtualBox's Seamless mode and hardware pointers has been added.
  • Many new features have been added to the shell, such as conditionals, rc files, and configurable prompts.
  • The File Browser is now somewhat functional.

Using QEMU

WIth QEMU, it is recommended you run the image as follows for best compatibility:

qemu-system-i386 -cdrom image.iso -serial mon:stdio -m 1G -soundhw ac97,pcspk -enable-kvm

For a headless boot using your local terminal, QEMU can be run as follows:

qemu-system-i386 -cdrom image.iso -serial mon:stdio -m 1G -soundhw ac97,pcspk -enable-kvm \
  -nographic -fw_cfg name=opt/org.toaruos.bootmode,string=headless

To exit the headless mode, type Ctrl-a C to access the QEMU monitor, and then type quit.

Known Issues

Some features are missing from the File Browser application. The Help Browser application is still a blank stub.

The bootloader does not currently employ any compression and ramdisk loading may take several seconds.

The BIOS bootloader is very rudimentary and is only expected to work under the ideal conditions of supported virtual machines.

Due to missing libraries and changes to the names and ABIs of system libraries, existing Python graphical applications from mainline ToaruOS are not supported in NIH.

Demo v0.9

20 Jul 14:50
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ToaruOS-NIH is intended as a distribution of ToaruOS built upon no third-party components. This demo image includes a mostly functioning base desktop, using all in-house libraries, as well as a port of Python 3.6. The CD is bootable in virtual machines including QEMU, Bochs, and VirtualBox. EFI (both IA32 and X64) is supported for booting. Please note that the BIOS loader is fragile and is likely to only work under these emulators or very specific hardware configurations - if you intend to run ToaruOS-NIH from real hardware, EFI is recommended.

Using QEMU

WIth QEMU, it is recommended you run the image as follows for best compatibility:

qemu-system-i386 -cdrom image.iso -serial mon:stdio -m 1G -soundhw ac97,pcspk -enable-kvm

For a headless boot using your local terminal, QEMU can be run as follows:

qemu-system-i386 -cdrom image.iso -serial mon:stdio -m 1G -soundhw ac97,pcspk -enable-kvm \
  -nographic -fw_cfg name=opt/org.toaruos.bootmode,string=headless

To exit the headless mode, type Ctrl-a C to access the QEMU monitor, and then type quit.

Known Issues

The File Browser and Help Browser applications are still blank stubs.

The bootloader does not currently employ any compression and ramdisk loading may take several seconds.

The BIOS bootloader is very rudimentary and is only expected to work under the ideal conditions of supported virtual machines.

Due to missing libraries and changes to the names and ABIs of system libraries, existing Python graphical applications from mainline ToaruOS are not supported in NIH.

Demo v0.8

10 Jul 02:05
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ToaruOS-NIH is intended as a distribution of ToaruOS built upon no third-party components. This demo image includes a mostly functioning base desktop, using all in-house libraries, as well as a port of Python 3.6. The CD is bootable in virtual machines including QEMU, Bochs, and VirtualBox, through the BIOS bootloader, and should also function under certain 32-bit EFI implementations (including, specifically, IA32 OVMF in QEMU, and VirtualBox's own EFI implementation). I am actively working on improving the EFI bootloader so that it can run on a wider variety of systems.

Using QEMU

WIth QEMU, it is recommended you run the image as follows for best compatibility:

qemu-system-i386 -cdrom image.iso -serial mon:stdio -m 1G -soundhw ac97,pcspk -enable-kvm

For a headless boot using your local terminal, QEMU can be run as follows:

qemu-system-i386 -cdrom image.iso -serial mon:stdio -m 1G -soundhw ac97,pcspk -enable-kvm \
  -nographic -fw_cfg name=opt/org.toaruos.bootmode,string=headless

To exit the headless mode, type Ctrl-a C to access the QEMU monitor, and then type quit.

Known Issues

The File Browser and Help Browser applications are blank stubs.

The bootloader does not currently employ any compression and ramdisk loading may take several seconds.

The BIOS bootloader is very rudimentary and is only expected to work under the ideal conditions of supported virtual machines. The EFI loader currently suffers from the same problems, but is expected to be fixed in due time.

Due to missing libraries and changes to the names and ABIs of system libraries, existing Python graphical applications from mainline ToaruOS are not supported in NIH.

Demo v0.7

29 Apr 14:52
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Update screenshot

Demo v0.6

25 Apr 10:42
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Add a userspace tool to set resolution using ioctl binding

Demo v0.5

21 Apr 11:58
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About dialog

Demo v0.4

15 Mar 01:37
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Added several apps (nyancat, bim, echo, kill, ps, pstree), merged in-house bootloader (no more grub), added wallpaper.

Demo v0.3

01 Mar 06:40
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Clipping for more efficient compositor redraws; more text; time formatting; more utilities