This is my Discord Bot written in Java with the Java-Discord-API (JDA).
- List coming soon
- Download
and put it in yourBOT_DIRECTORY
- Download Java JRE 21 (tested on Azul 21).
- Run the Bot using
java -jar ./k7bot-$VERSION-full.jar
- Create new Discord Application for the Bot
- Insert your Tokens in the Autogenerated
- Add the Bot to your Server and have fun
- Download/Use Java JDK 21
- Download/Use Maven 3.6+ (Tested on Maven 3.9.6)
- Clone the project
git clone && cd k7bot
- run 'mvn package'
- you can now find your jar at ./target/k7bot-$VERSION-full.jar
- run it with
- This GitHub-Repo and my GitHub Account
- Discord: "Klassenserver7b"
- Discord Server
- E-Mail: ""
Creating a "normal" Discord Chat-Command:
- Create a new command by creating a new class and adding
implements ServerCommand
- Insert new commands in the CommandManager
Creating a SlashCommand
- Create a new command by creating a new class and adding
implements TopLevelSlashCommand
- Insert new commands in the SlashCommandManager
- Add your required options in the SlashCommandManager and your option-previews in ChartsAutoComplete