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Plutchik API & Telegram bot

There are three possible options of usage:

  • For any users by Telegram bot
  • For psychologists try Telegram bot or web application
  • API for dating sevices based on studies of Robert Plutchik.

About methodology See Wikipedia about R.Plutchik studies


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How to get started

As user

  1. Find Telegram bot
  2. Send command /start to bot
  3. Change your settings. Choose right language to get appropriate content
  4. Try Insights button to get your features

As psychologist

  1. Find Telegram bot
  2. Send command /start to bot
  3. Use web application to create new organizations
  4. Manage content of your organization. Invite other users to manage content of your organizations
  5. Assign groups to users for assessments
  6. Collect and analyze results

See roles description.

How to add content

Use methods addcontent to add new items and change existing items in collection. Methods blockcontent and unblockcontent make items visible or hiding from users.

For editing content item structure use Content object.

For editing content items you must have organizationkey with create_content role. Users can't create or edit content items. They can assess them only. Organizations can create and edit content.

How to add assesment by users

Use addassessment method to create new assessment had done by user. For calling addassessment you must reveal sessiontoken by getsessiontoken method and use sesstiontoken as parameter.

Use Assessment object to create new assessment as a parameter for addassessment method.

Why it's free for dating services

Breifly. 'Cause data are using by psychology teams for their studies.

Authorization schemas

There are two authorization schemas:

  • for organizations: API is awaiting the pair of organizationid and organizationkey
  • for users: API is awaiting the pair of userid and valid sessiontoken


Role Description Admitted methods
superviser Organization is having this role can do everything All
administrator Role admits to manage keys to reveal new keys addorganizationkey, removeorganizationkey, listorganizationkeys
manage_users Role admits to create new users, edit exist ones, block and unblock adduser, blockuser, unblockuser
manage_content Role admits to create new content items, edit exist ones, block and unblock addcontent, blockcontent, unblockcontent
mining_session Role admits to create sessions tokens for user getsessiontoken
create_assessment Role admits to create new assesments addassessment
getting_feed Role admits getting the next content item to assessment Not implemented yet
getting_match Role admits to get matches Not implemented yet


object Description
Organization Organization can create users, content items. Organization provides roles for users
User User who can evaluate content and get matched with other users
Content Item (unit) for evaluation by user in Plutchik's wheel
Assessment Assessment (evaluation) by user of content item in Plutchik's wheel
method Description
version Gets version Plutchik API
πŸ“ ORGANIZATION management
addorganizationkey Adds new organization key with exact roles
listorganizationkeys Returns list of organization keys with their roles
removeorganizationkey Removes the organization key
organizationinfo Check the pair of organization id and key and returns common organization's info
πŸ“ USER management
adduser Adds new user
getsessiontoken Gets session token for user
blockuser Block user
unblockuser Unblock user
πŸ“ CONTENT management
addcontent Adds new content item
blockcontent Block content item
unblockcontent Unblock content item
πŸ“ ASSESSMENT management
addassessment Adds new assessment

  • Organization object

export interface IOrganization {
    _id: Types.ObjectId;
    name: string | IMLString;
    keys: Array<{
        roles: Array<string>;
        keyname: string;
        expired: Date;
        created: Date;
        keyhash: string;
    created: Date;
    changed: Date;

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  • User object

interface IUser {
    _id: Types.ObjectId;
    organizationid: Types.ObjectId;
    birthdate: Date;
    nativelanguage: string;
    secondlanguages: Array<string>,
    location: string;
    gender: string;
    maritalstatus: string;
    features: string;
    blocked: boolean;
    created: Date;
    changed: Date;

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  • Content object

export interface IContent {
    _uid: Types.ObjectId;
    type: ContentTypes;
    url: string;
    name: string;
    description: string;
    language: string;
    restrictions: Array<string>;
    organizationidref?: Types.ObjectId;
    foruseronlyidref?: Types.ObjectId;
    blocked: boolean;
    created: Date;
    changed: Date;

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  • Assessment object

export interface IAssessment {
    _id?: Types.ObjectId; // uniq ID of assessment
    uid?: Types.ObjectId; // user ID, required but may be undefined. userid posted by security schema of call
    cid: Types.ObjectId; // content ID
    vector: {
        joy?: number;
        trust?: number;
        fear?: number;
        surprise?: number;
        disgust?: number;
        sadness?: number;
        anger?: number;
        anticipation?: number;
    tags?: Array<string>; // tags from user
    rating?: number; // value of assessed content item for match with others
    created?: Date;

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  • version method

    Description: returns object with values of versions: api, data, ai

    Method: GET

    Parameters: NONE

    Security schema: NONE


    • object version {api: x.x.x, data: x.x.x, ai: x.x.x}
    • format application/json

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  • addorganizationkey method

    Description: creates the new key with exect roles. Organization must use key with administrator roles to create new key

    Method: POST


    Parameter description Format Where Mandatory
    organizationid Uniq id of organization MongoDB uuid header βœ…
    organizationkey Key recieved from Plutchik API with role administrator MongoDB uuid header βœ…
    name Name of a new key string body βœ…
    roles Array of roles for a new key Array of strings body βœ…

    Security schemas: PlutchikAuthOrganizationId & PlutchikAuthOrganizationKey


    • format: application/text
    • data: mongoDB uuid of a new key

    Request example:

    POST http://localhost:8000/addorganizationkey
    Content-Type: application/json
    organizationid: 63c0e7dad80176886c22129d
    organizationkey: 63c2875ecb60f72dc1eb6bbb
        "name": "David Rhuxel",
        "roles": ["manage_content", "manage_users"]

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  • removeorganizationkey method

    Description: Deletes the key. Organization must use key with administrator roles to remove key

    Method: POST


    Parameter description Format Where Mandatory
    organizationid Uniq id of organization MongoDB uuid header βœ…
    organizationkey Key recieved from Plutchik API with role administrator MongoDB uuid header βœ…
    id Id returned by organizationkeyslist method. Can't delete key with id = 0 string body βœ…

    Security schemas: PlutchikAuthOrganizationId & PlutchikAuthOrganizationKey

    Returns: NONE

    Request example:

    POST http://localhost:8000/removeorganizationkey
    Content-Type: application/json
    organizationid: 63c0e7dad80176886c22129d
    organizationkey: 63c2875ecb60f72dc1eb6bbb
        "id": 1

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  • organizationkeyslist method

    Description: Returns all organization keys

    Method: GET


    Parameter description Format Where Mandatory
    organizationid Uniq id of organization MongoDB uuid header βœ…
    organizationkey Key recieved from Plutchik API with role administrator MongoDB uuid header βœ…

    Security schemas: PlutchikAuthOrganizationId & PlutchikAuthOrganizationKey


    • format: application/json
    • data: array of objects

    Request example:

    GET http://localhost:8000/organizationkeyslist
    Content-Type: application/json
    organizationid: 63c0e7dad80176886c22129d
    organizationkey: 63c2875ecb60f72dc1eb6bbb

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  • organizationinfo method

    Description: Check the pair of organization id and key and returns common organization's info

    Method: GET


    Parameter description Format Where Mandatory
    organizationid Uniq id of organization MongoDB uuid header βœ…
    organizationkey Key recieved from Plutchik API with role administrator MongoDB uuid header βœ…

    Security schemas: PlutchikAuthOrganizationId & PlutchikAuthOrganizationKey


    • format: application/json
    • data: object
            name: string - organization name,
            keyname: string - name of key
            keyroles: array of string - list of current roles
            keyscount: number - count of organization's keys
            userscount: number - count of organization's users
            contentcount: number - count of organization's content items
            assessmentscount: number - count of organization's user assessments

    Request example:

    GET http://localhost:8000/organizationinfo
    Content-Type: application/json
    organizationid: 63c0e7dad80176886c22129d
    organizationkey: 63c2875ecb60f72dc1eb6bbb

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  • adduser method

    Description: creates user or updates existing user. Returns actual user information

    Method: POST


    Parameter description Format Where Mandatory
    organizationid Uniq id of organization MongoDB uuid header βœ…
    organizationkey Key recieved from Plutchik API with role manage_users MongoDB uuid header βœ…
    userid Uniq user id of user which info changed. Can be empty or absent, then new user will be created MongoDB uuid header
    userinfo βœ…
    userinfo.birthdate User's birthdate YYYY-mm-dd body
    userinfo.nativelanguage User's native language string body
    userinfo.secondlanguages Other user's languages that can be used Array of string body
    userinfo.location String as 'lat: xx.xxxxx, lng: yy.yyyyy' or 'Prague, Czech' etc. which describes user's location string body
    userinfo.gender User's gender in his(her,...) opinion string body
    userinfo.maritalstatus User's marital status in one's opinion string body
    userinfo.features Any information about user string body

    Security schemas: PlutchikAuthOrganizationId & PlutchikAuthOrganizationKey


    • format: application/json
    • data: User object

    Request example:

    POST http://localhost:8000/adduser
    Content-Type: application/json
    organizationid: 63c0e7dad80176886c22129d
    organizationkey: 63c2875ecb60f72dc1eb6bbb
    userid: 63c28926cb60f72dc1eb6bbf
        "userinfo": {
            "birthdate": "1972-07-23",
            "nativelanguage": "English",
            "secondlanguages": ["French", "Ukrain"],
            "location": "Prague",
            "gender": "male",
            "maritalstatus": "single",
            "features": "extra",
            "blocked": "false"

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  • getsessiontoken method

    Description: returns session token for user

    Method: GET


    Parameter description Format Where Mandatory
    organizationid Uniq id of organization MongoDB uuid header βœ…
    organizationkey Key recieved from Plutchik API with exact roles MongoDB uuid header βœ…
    userid User which session token requsted for MongoDB uuid header βœ…

    Security schemas: PlutchikAuthOrganizationId & PlutchikAuthOrganizationKey & PlutchikAuthUserId


    • text string MongoDB uuid
    • format application/text

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  • blockuser method

    Description: Blocks user. After that user can't assess content and can't get matched

    Method: GET


    Parameter description Format Where Mandatory
    organizationid Uniq id of organization MongoDB uuid header βœ…
    organizationkey Key recieved from Plutchik API with exact roles MongoDB uuid header βœ…
    userid User which session token requsted for MongoDB uuid header βœ…

    Security schemas: PlutchikAuthOrganizationId & PlutchikAuthOrganizationKey & PlutchikAuthUserId

    Returns: NONE

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  • unblockuser method

    Description: Unblocks user. After that user can assess content and can get matched

    Method: GET


    Parameter description Format Where Mandatory
    organizationid Uniq id of organization MongoDB uuid header βœ…
    organizationkey Key recieved from Plutchik API with exact roles MongoDB uuid header βœ…
    userid User which session token requsted for MongoDB uuid header βœ…

    Security schemas: PlutchikAuthOrganizationId & PlutchikAuthOrganizationKey & PlutchikAuthUserId

    Returns: NONE

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  • addcontent method

    Description: creates content or updates existing content item. Returns actual content item

    Method: POST


    Parameter description Format Where Mandatory
    organizationid Uniq id of organization MongoDB uuid header βœ…
    organizationkey Key recieved from Plutchik API with exact roles MongoDB uuid header βœ…
    contentinfo body βœ…
    contentinfo._id Uniq content item's id. It can be empty or absent, then new content item will be created MongoDB uuid body
    contentinfo.type String one of values: text, audio, video, image, memes string body βœ…
    contentinfo.url URL located the content item string body βœ… Name of content item string body βœ…
    contentinfo.tags User's native language string body βœ…
    contentinfo.description Description of content item Array of string body βœ…
    contentinfo.language language of content item string body βœ…
    contentinfo.restrictions Array of restrictions Array of strings body
    contentinfo.blocked Blocked or unblocked content item string: "true" or "false" body
    contentinfo.expired Date time after that content item will be hide from users string RFC3339 body
    contentinfo.validfrom Date time before that content item is hide from users string RFC3339 body

    Security schemas: PlutchikAuthOrganizationId & PlutchikAuthOrganizationKey


    • format: application/json
    • data: Content object

    Request example:

    POST http://localhost:8000/addcontent
    Content-Type: application/json
    organizationid: 63c0e7dad80176886c22129d
    organizationkey: 63c2875ecb60f72dc1eb6bbb
        "contentinfo": {
            "type": "memes",
            "url": "",
            "name": "TH sound",
            "tags": [],
            "description": "When your teacher explains how to pronounce TH",
            "language": "English",
            "restrictions": [],
            "blocked": "false"

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  • blockcontent method

    Description: Blocks content item. After that users can't find and assess this content

    Method: GET


    Parameter description Format Where Mandatory
    organizationid Uniq id of organization MongoDB uuid header βœ…
    organizationkey Key recieved from Plutchik API with exact roles MongoDB uuid header βœ…
    cid Content item's uniq id MongoDB uuid path βœ…

    Security schemas: PlutchikAuthOrganizationId & PlutchikAuthOrganizationKey

    Returns: NONE

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  • unblockcontent method

    Description: Unblocks content item. After that user can find and assess this content item

    Method: GET


    Parameter description Format Where Mandatory
    organizationid Uniq id of organization MongoDB uuid header βœ…
    organizationkey Key recieved from Plutchik API with exact roles MongoDB uuid header βœ…
    cid Content item's uniq id MongoDB uuid path βœ…

    Security schemas: PlutchikAuthOrganizationId & PlutchikAuthOrganizationKey

    Returns: NONE

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  • addassessment method

    Description: creates user's assessment of content item. Returns full object Assessment as it's saved.

    Method: POST


    Parameter description Format Where Mandatory
    userid Uniq id user MongoDB uuid header βœ…
    sessiontoken Active session token got by getsessiontoken MongoDB uuid header βœ…
    assessmentinfo βœ…
    assessmentinfo.cid Uniq content id MongoDB uuid body βœ…
    assessmentinfo.tags Array of tags from user with evaluation Array of strings body
    assessmentinfo.rating Measure of confidence of user in his(her) assessment number body
    assessmentinfo.vector Plutchik's wheel object object body βœ… joy evaluation float: 0 - 1 body trust evaluation float: 0 - 1 body
    assessmentinfo.vector.fear fear evaluation float: 0 - 1 body
    assessmentinfo.vector.surprise surprise evaluation float: 0 - 1 body
    assessmentinfo.vector.sadness sadness evaluation float: 0 - 1 body
    assessmentinfo.vector.disgust disgust evaluation float: 0 - 1 body
    assessmentinfo.vector.anger anger evaluation float: 0 - 1 body
    assessmentinfo.vector.anticipation anticipation evaluation float: 0 - 1 body

    Security schemas: PlutchikAuthUserId & PlutchikAuthSessionToken


    • format: application/json
    • data: Assessment object

    Request example:

    POST http://localhost:8000/addassessment
    Content-Type: application/json
    userid: 63c28926cb60f72dc1eb6bbf
    sessiontoken: $
        "assessmentinfo": {
            "cid": "63c83c56116ae4954bdc51ad",
            "vector": {
                "joy": 0.5,
                "trust": 0.6

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  1. Wikipedia about R.Plutchik studies


Telegram client & API for people, hr-staff, psychologists and dating services








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