Ansible galaxy role cesnet.shibboleth_sp that install and configure shibboleth SP
- shibboleth_hostname - Specify the hostname
- shibboleth_sp_entity_id - Specify the entityId of Service provider
- shibboleth_template_attribute_map_allow_urn_oid_attributes - Specify if default urn:oid attributes will be added to attribute map or not
- shibboleth_template_attribute_map_allow_urn_mace_attributes - Specify if default urn:mace attributes will be added to attribute map or not
- shibboleth_template_attribute_map_allow_schac_attributes - Specify if default schac attributes will be added to attribute map or not
- shibboleth_template_attribute_map_custom_attributes - Specify the custom attributes that will be added to attribute map
- Example of structure:
shibboleth_template_attribute_map_custom_attributes: - id: attributeId (REQUIRED) name: attributeName (REQUIRED) comment: Commnent (OPTIONAL) decoder: (OPTIPNAL) type: Decoder_type (REQUIRED if decoder is filled)
- shibboleth_template_sp_entity_id - Specify the entityId of Service provider
- shibboleth_template_remote_users - Specify the list of allowed items in REMOTE_USER
- shibboleth_template_attribute_prefix - Specify the attribute prefix
- shibboleth_template_idp_entity_id - Specify the entityId of Identity provider
- shibboleth_template_metadata_url - Specify the URL where the IdP metadata is available
- shibboleth_template_metadata_backup_file - Specify the name of backup file for metadata
- install
- configuration
- start
- stop
- hosts: all
remote_user: root
shibboleth_hostname: ""
shibboleth_sp_entity_id: "https://{{ shibboleth_hostname }}/shibboleth"
shibboleth_template_attribute_map_allow_urn_oid_attributes: true
shibboleth_template_attribute_map_allow_urn_mace_attributes: true
shibboleth_template_attribute_map_allow_schac_attributes: true
shibboleth_template_attribute_map_custom_attributes: []
shibboleth_template_sp_entity_id: "https://{{ shibboleth_hostname }}/shibboleth"
- eppn
shibboleth_template_attribute_prefix: "AJP_"
shibboleth_template_idp_entity_id: ""
shibboleth_template_metadata_url: ""
shibboleth_template_metadata_backup_file: "metadata.xml"
- cesmet.shibboleth_sp