Kohana 3.2 client library for the MailChimp API v2.0
Forked and modified from https://github.com/drewm/mailchimp-api/ to provide for Mailchimp API library
Place it in the modules folder and enable it in bootstrap.
Basic usage
$MailChimp = new Mailchimp('abc123abc123abc123abc123abc123-us1'); // where 'abc123abc123abc123abc123abc123-us1' is your API key
List lists (lists/list method)
$MailChimp = new Mailchimp('abc123abc123abc123abc123abc123-us1');
Subscribe someone to a list
$MailChimp = new Mailchimp('abc123abc123abc123abc123abc123-us1');
$result = $MailChimp->call('lists/subscribe', array(
'id' => 'b1234346',
'email' => array('email'=>'test@testdomain.com'),
'merge_vars' => array('FNAME'=>'Rick', 'LNAME'=>'Sanchez'),
'double_optin' => false,
'update_existing' => true,
'replace_interests' => false,
'send_welcome' => false,
For further usages see official documentation for MailChimp API here https://apidocs.mailchimp.com/