Proxy server for microservices mocking with browser management panel. Makes fake response by request url or proxies to target url.
ENV | default | description |
CONNECT_PORT | 8001 | proxy connection port |
HTTP_PROXY_PORT | 9001 | http sniffer port |
HTTPS_PROXY_PORT | 9002 | https sniffer port |
MANAGE_PORT | 7001 | management panel port |
REMOTE_HOST | undefined | set target remote host (override 'X-Forwarded-Host') |
git clone
cd smart-proxy
npm install
npm start
You can do request direct to the Proxy. Set REMOTE_HOST and request https://{proxy_host}:{HTTPS_PROXY_PORT}/{path} npm start
Do request to Smart-Proxy, all requests will proxying to the target REMOTE_HOST or return fake response
curl https://localhost:9002/rest_api_path?foo=bar --insecure
You can use Smart-Proxy as proxy. Add this code to your app
const request = require('request');
const options = {url: targetUrl}; // options for request module
if(useProxy){ // flag if want using smart proxy
const parsedUrl = url.parse(options.url);
options.proxy = proxyUrl; // smart proxy url http://localhost:8001
options.tunnel = true; // always tunneling request for http & https
options.rejectUnauthorized = false; // to avoid https self signed certificate error
options.headers['X-Forwarded-Host'] =;
options.headers['X-Forwarded-Prot'] = parsedUrl.protocol.slice(0, -1); // removed ':' from end of string
request(options, function(err, response){ // do request
// do enything
Start Smart-Proxy
npm start
Do request to your app, all requests will go through Smart-Proxy
Smart-Proxy management panel will be available by link http://localhost:7001
- common:
add ruleremove ruleedit rulefake response & headers
- proxy modes
PROXY (return fake response or proxy to target)CAPTURE (write all target responses to config)PLAY (execute every rule only once, in series by timestamp)MOCK (fake server - direct request to proxy)NOTE: while via REMOTE_HOST env
- matching rules by:
path- query
- params (/mypath/:params/entity)
- more logs - method, headers, content, etc. (Enable/Disable)
- send logs to UI (
- socket proxy
- response with redirect (3xx status code)