A API for a frontend that provides education verifiable credentials to university students.
- Deployment: https://github.com/krakenh2020/EduPilotDeploymentDocker
- Frontend: https://github.com/krakenh2020/EduPilotFrontend
- API Backend: https://github.com/krakenh2020/EduPilotBackend
Part of the H2020 Project KRAKEN and the Verifiable Credentials for Student Mobility project funded by TU Graz as a technologically enhanced administration (TEA) marketplace project.
Based on https://gitlab.tugraz.at/dbp/middleware/dbp-api/api-starter-bundle, a Symfony bundle that can be used as a template for creating new bundles for the DBP API project.
When including this bundle into your DBP API server it will gain the following features:
- A custom
command - An example entity
- Various HTTP methods implemented for that entity
- Add the repository to your
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "git@github.com:krakenh2020/EduPilotBackendBundle.git"
- Add the package as a dependency:
"require": {
"kraken/vc4sm-bundle": "dev-master",
- Add the bundle to your
VC4SM\Bundle\Vc4smBundle::class => ['all' => true],
DBP\API\CoreBundle\DbpCoreBundle::class => ['all' => true],
- Install dependencies:
composer install
- Run tests:
composer test
- Run linters:
composer run lint
- Run cs-fixer:
composer run cs-fix
AGPL-3.0-or-later License, Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Peter Grassberger & KRAKEN consortium
Peter Grassberger p.grassberger@student.tugraz.at is the original Author.