Auto Args provides a system for automatically resolving arguments for any callable. This can also be referred to as Auto wiring.
Install with composer at krak/auto-args
use Krak\AutoArgs;
$args = new AutoArgs();
$context = [
'vars' => ['a' => 1],
'objects' => [new SplStack()],
$func = function($a, SplDoublyLinkedList $stack, $b = 1) {
assert($a == 1 && $b === 1);
$args->invoke($func, $context);
use Krak\AutoArgs,
$args = new AutoArgs();
$c = Cargo\container();
$c[SplStack::class] = function() {
return new SplStack();
$context = [
'container' => $c->toInterop()
$func = function(ContainerInterface $container, SplStack $stack) {
$args->invoke($func, $context);
Accepts an argument resolver which will accept Argument metadata and context and return the proper argument for it. If none is supplied, the default stack is created and composed instead.
Invokes a callable and resolves the arguments from the argument resolver and given context.
Constructs a an object from the class name and resolves the arguments for the constructor
Returns the array of resolved arguments for the given callable. An exception will be thrown if no argument was able to be resolved.
Returns a configured instance of an mw stack.