This is a simple RSA library I wrote while working on an small terminal chat application. I know there are probably a million of these things, but this was a learning experience for me. It is fast (thanks to the GNU MP bigint library), easy to use, and can handle practically any key length. I originally tried to write my own bigint library for this, but it was simply too slow when dealing with huge numbers, so I swallowed my pride and used GNU's library instead.
The documentation for this library can be found in include/rsa.h
// gcc demo.c -lrsa -lgmp
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <rsa.h>
int main()
rsa_key_t privkey, pubkey;
rsa_init(privkey, pubkey, 1024, 62);
char msg[32];
char enc[1025];
char dec[1025];
scanf("%31s", msg);
rsa_encrypt(enc, strlen(msg), msg, pubkey);
printf("Encrypt(%s) = %s\n", msg, enc);
rsa_decrypt(dec, strlen(enc), enc, privkey);
printf("Decrypt(%s) = %s\n", enc, dec);
/home/user> git clone
/home/user> cd RSA
/home/user/RSA> make
/home/user/RSA> sudo make install