Authentication policy which uses Keycloak's OpenID API via a client to authenticate the user. It uses cookies to hold the access token and the refresh token. This package is suitable to handle OpenID's Authorization code flow as described in The OpenID Specs or in Keycloak's documentation
This package is dependant on the package python-keycloak
This package is hosted on pypi:
pip install pyramid-keycloak
from keycloak import KeycloakOpenID
from pyramid.config import Configurator
from keycloak_auth_policy import KeycloakBasedAuthenticationPolicy
def main():
openid_client = KeycloakOpenID(...) # get OpenID client
config = Configurator()
You have to handle the redirect logic in your forbidden view based on your needs:
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPFound, HTTPForbidden
from pyramid.request import Request
from pyramid.view import forbidden_view_config
def forbidden_view(request: Request):
if ...: # user has no privileges
raise HTTPForbidden("You don't have permissions for this action")
# Keycloak's URL to redirect to where the user can log in
url = ...
# you can either redirect to the URL or return it if you have a client
# which consumes your API
return HTTPFound(url)
If you want to use the Authorization code flow in your application, you also need to have a callback endpoint where Keycloak redirects to after a successful login.
from keycloak import KeycloakOpenID
from keycloak.exceptions import KeycloakError
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPFound
from pyramid.request import Request
from pyramid.view import view_defaults, view_config
class AuthApi:
def __init__(self, request: Request) -> None:
self.request = request
self._openid_client = KeycloakOpenID(...) # get OpenID client
@view_config(route_name='', request_method='GET',
def exchange(self):
token_response =
self.request.route_url("")) # the redirect URI
except KeycloakError as e:
... # handle exception
access_token = token_response.get("access_token")
refresh_token = token_response.get("refresh_token")
# set the tokens as cookies to the client and return a response
# you can either redirect from here or if your application is consumed
# as an API you can return a successful response
response = HTTPFound(...)
response.set_cookie("refresh_token_cookie_name", refresh_token)
response.set_cookie("access_token_cookie_name", access_token)
return response
You can also implement a logout endpoint if you feel like to
from import forget
@view_config(route_name='auth.logout', request_method='GET',
def logout(self):
headers = forget(self.request)
response = self.request.response
return response
For more information see the docstrings of each method in the source.