Use coucharchive to create and restore backups of a whole CouchDB server / cluster of servers, or to simply replicate it to another server / cluster.
Backup archives are saved as single tar.gz file, and can be imported later to any other CouchDB server.
Useful for making backups, or replicating your database to a secondary test environment.
Using pip:
$ pip3 install --user coucharchive
Make a backup archive from a running server:
$ coucharchive create --from \
--output test.tar.gz
Restore this archive to another server:
$ coucharchive restore --to \
--input test.tar.gz
Simply load a backup in a temporary CouchDB server:
$ coucharchive load -i test.tar.gz
Launched CouchDB instance at http://root:L76mqQE5fE@localhost:38095
Replicate from a CouchDB installation to another one:
$ coucharchive replicate --from \
Slow down replication (to decrease servers load) so that it runs in one hour:
$ coucharchive replicate --from \
--to \
--ideal-duration 3600
Don't pass credentials on the command line:
$ coucharchive create --from -o test.tar.gz
CouchDB admin for root<ENTER>
CouchDB password for p4ss<ENTER>
coucharchive spawns a local CouchDB instance locally, using a temporary directory for storing data and configuration.
When dumping, it replicates your source CouchDB server (i.e. replicates all dbs, including _users) to the fresh local one, then saves and compresses its data to a tar.gz archive.
When loading, it uncompresses the archive, has the local CouchDB instance use it as its data, then replicates to your remote CouchDB server.
For repetitive backups, you can use a config file:
$ cat config.ini
url = http://root:password@localhost:5984
#auth_method = 'basic'
#username = 'root'
#password = 'password'
url =
#auth_method = 'proxy'
#username = 'root'
#roles = '_admin'
#token = 'baddecafbaddecafbaddecafbaddecafbaddecaf'
ignore_dbs = db_to_ignore, other_useless_db
$ coucharchive -c config.ini create -o test.tar.gz
To save a backup on AWS S3 and notify somebody via email:
$ aws s3 cp /tmp/archive.tar.gz s3://my-backups/archive.tar.gz
$ cat >/tmp/email.txt <<EOM
Subject: New backup saved on S3
A CouchDB backup called archive.tar.gz was successfully created and pushed
on Amazon S3.
$ sendmail </tmp/email.txt
To generate a proxy authentication token:
$ python3
>>> import hmac
>>> import hashlib
>>>'proxysecret', b'username', hashlib.sha1).hexdigest()
>>> 'baddecafbaddecafbaddecafbaddecafbaddecaf'
coucharchive uses the /tmp
folder, which can be to small.
If it's the case you can try to enlarge it, for example:
sudo mount -o remount,size=32G,noatime /tmp