Python selenium testing using python
open ur command prompt and check using python --version
You can use which suites u like chrome,edge,firefox,internet explorer
download the file and create a folder its looks like this for me D:\selenium\chromedriver_win32\chromedriver.exe
pip install selenium
run this command in by opening you command prompt
from selenium import webdriver driver = webdriver.Chrome/Edge/Firefox(executable_path="D:\selenium\chromedriver_win32\chromedriver.exe") driver.get("")
to run project create .py file in any folder than file right click run as python code
- its a open source
- its a web framework which sup...multiple browser,os,
- versatile and adopted everywhere this also used by java,pearl........
- web driver-it will drive entire script(Commands)ex...login(login page.....username password enter button config)
- selenium rc-remote contoller(rc client and server)client test cases will be written and testing is done by server whichj contains website url and module of website) -used to test single piece of code called selenium rc
- selenium ide- testing environmnet
- selenium grid- wrirte test cases on pushses to grid it will test each and evry configua.... supports multiple os,and tools