Kubernetes-oriented Low-Code Platform using kube-backend to support various scenario, such as AppMgr, DevOps, FaaS,CMP, Edge.
This project assumes the following system are running.
If these componets are not working, using 'kubeinit' tool.
kubeinst init-env
kubeinst init-kube
kubeinst init-backend
kubeinst init-frontend
- lichengzhi99@otcaix.iscas.ac.cn
- xuyuanjia2017@otcaix.iscas.ac.cn
- tangting18@otcaix.iscass.ac.cn
- wuheng@otcaix.iscas.ac.cn
[required] download 'kubeinst' command
// download tool
curl --url https://gitee.com/syswu/kube-installer/raw/master/kubeinst --output /usr/bin/kubeinst
chmod 777 /usr/bin/kubeinst
[optional] if it is a VM with a public IP, open /usr/bin/kubeinst, and set fip='public ip'
[required] you can use the follwing commands to install all required systems
kubeinst init-env // install docker and kubeadm
kubeinst init-kube // install Kubernetes using kubeadm
kubeinst init-backend // install kube-backend
kubeinst init-frontend // install kube-frontend
[required] download this project
git clone https://github.com/kubesys/kube-frontend
[required] open install.sh and set fip='ip'. If it is a VM with a public IP, the 'ip' is public ip; otherwise, it is the ip used by physical or virtual machines
[required] deploy frontend
bash install.sh
http://IP:30000 (admin/admin)