This repository was archived by the owner on Sep 30, 2020. It is now read-only.
Component versions
Kubernetes: v1.16.10
Etcd: v3.4.9
Calico: v3.11.1
Upgrade notes
An upgrade-in-place has not been tested with this release but is believed to work just fine. There are a handful of known issues with large clusters or clusters that use etcd in ENI mode.
If this is use, it is instead recommended to stand up a new cluster and failover to it, using a backup & recovery strategy, if this is something your team hasn't yet practiced then we recommend investigating Velero.
OS Changes
This release switches the host OS from CoreOS to Flatcar as CoreOS is now EOL. This should be a seemless change and we do not expect to see disruption from the change.
- #1819: Add support for Kubernetes 1.16.x (Thanks to @davidmccormick)
- #1828: Add support to skip etcd iops performance check. (Thanks to @zonzamas)
- #1848: Configurable SubnetLen for Flannel in large clusters. (Thanks to @Fsero)
- #1854: All the ability to disable ICMP on (Thanks to @HarryStericker)
- #1863: Switches the default OS from CoreOS to Flatcar (Thanks to @dominicgunn)
- #1859: KIAM Server can now be given a specified port-name, useful for Istio users where the default port-name causes broken routing (Thanks to @dominicgunn)
- #1860: Pod autoscaler rest client can now be used independently of the metrics-server addon in kube-aws (Thanks to @dominicgunn)
- #1813: Fix CoreDNS Indentation (Thanks to @javipolo)
- #1824: Fix Configuration Template error on
kube-aws init
(Thanks to @sei-nicolas) - #1830: Fix Typha Resources (Thanks to @davidmccormick)
- #1847: Fix DisableContainerLinuxAutomaticUpdates DataType (Thanks to @jorge07)
- #1850: Fix unnamed ApiServerAggregatorKeyPath flag. (Thanks to @jorge07)
- #1853: Fix SubnetLen DataType (Thanks to @Fsero)
- #1820: Upgrade Go from v1.11.x to v1.13.x (Thanks to @chenrui333)
- #1821: Move to Go Modules (Thanks to @chenrui333)
- #1857: kube-aws now explicitly lists the enabled admission controllers (Thanks to @dominicgunn)
- #1858: The value for tags are now
as opposed to empty ortrue
to help prevent cluster drift. (Thanks to @dominicgunn). - #1864: Canal configuration has been updated to more closely match that of kops, primarily moving the initContainer logic to prevent race conditions on start-up. (Thanks to @dominicgunn)