Cloud Access Service Gateway
KubeSlice now supports onboarding cloud-managed services onto a slice. The feature is called Cloud Access Service Gateway.
All the application pods on that slice can access the onboarded cloud-managed service.
What's Changed
- fix(): Apply workaround to nsmgr tcp connection by @bharath-avesha in #4
- Fix(): Derive nsmgr service name from node name by @bharath-avesha in #5
- fix(): Kick the build with semantic commit by @bharath-avesha in #6
- fix(): Use nsmgr svc name derived from hash of node name by @bharath-avesha in #7
- fix(): Modify resolv.conf to workaround istio dns issue by @bharath-avesha in #8
Full Changelog: v1.5.3-release...v1.5.6-release