Loop for ecological data analysis
# install package devtools if necessary
if(!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")
This package contains miscellaneous functions I developed during my daily work. It mainly covers following aspects:
Loop for Input/Output: read and write multiple files.
Loop for models: make repetitive work easy e.g., comunity- and species- based variation partitioning; group species abundance matrix into abundant and rare species subcommunities etc.
Loop for plots : functions makes visualization in ecological areas easier e.g.,get tidy data from models for visualization.
Others: other functions.
Please note that this package is mainly for my own convenience, so i do not guarantee it will work on your PC and with your data sets. But feel free to contact me, I will try to help whenever possible.
Feel free to use and modify.
If you find some of the functions useful, you are also welcome to cite it.