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Kito Kurone (黒音キト) edited this page Jun 5, 2021 · 10 revisions

The app supports TypeScript and can use the following types.

Object types


The lists of affinity by genius type.

interface Affinity {
  biz: Record<Genius, AffinityLevel>;
  love: Record<Genius, AffinityLevel>;
Property Type Description
biz Record<Genius, AffinityLevel> for business.
love Record<Genius, AffinityLevel> for romance.


All types list.

export interface AllTypes {
  readonly brain: readonly Brain[];
  readonly communication: readonly Communication[];
  readonly genius: readonly Genius[];
  readonly lifeBase: readonly LifeBase[];
  readonly management: readonly Management[];
  readonly motivation: readonly Motivation[];
  readonly position: readonly Position[];
  readonly potential: readonly Potential[];
  readonly response: readonly Response[];
  readonly vector: readonly Vector[];
Property Type Description
brain readonly Brain[] The list that the types of thought methods.
communication readonly Communication[] The list that the types of dialogue policy.
genius readonly Genius[] The list of personality types.
lifeBase readonly LifeBase[] The list that the base of ego type.
management readonly Management[] The list of the types that the risk management method.
motivation readonly Motivation[] The list of the types that easy to the motivated environment.
position readonly Position[] The list of role types
potential readonly Potential[] The list of the types that the potential.
response readonly Response[] The list of the types that the role.
vector readonly Vector[] The list of personality types.


The detail for genius type.

interface Detail {
  affinity: Affinity;
  brain: Brain;
  communication: Communication;
  management: Management;
  motivation: Motivation;
  position: Position;
  response: Response;
  vector: Vector;
Property Type Description
affinity Affinity The lists of affinity by genius type.
brain Brain The types of thought method.
communication Communication The types of dialogue policy.
management Management The types that the risk management method.
motivation Motivation The types of easy to the motivated environment.
position Position The types for role.
response Response The types for role.
vector Vector Vector of genius type.


The details for Personality.

interface Personality {
  cycle: number;
  inner: Genius;
  lifeBase: LifeBase;
  outer: Genius;
  potentials: [Potential, Potential];
  workStyle: Genius;
Property Type Description
cycle number The sub-personality (cycle).
inner Genius The inner personality.
lifeBase LifeBase The life base.
outer Genius The outer personality.
potentials [Potential, Potential] The potential.
workStyle Genius The personality at working.

Union types


Affinity level.

type AffinityLevel = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3;
Key Value
0 Hmm :/
1 Good.
2 Great!
3 Fantastic!!!


The types of thought method.

type Brain = 'left' | 'right';
Key Value
left Left brain type. Logical thinking is superior.
right Right brain type. Intuitive thinking is superior.


The types of dialogue policy.

type Communication = 'fix' | 'flex';
Key Value
fix This type of person would like to find a way from the conclusion.
flex This type of person would like to express conclude fluidly.


The types of personality.

type Genius =
  | '000'
  | '001'
  | '012'
  | '024'
  | '025'
  | '100'
  | '108'
  | '125'
  | '555'
  | '789'
  | '888'
  | '919';
Key Value
000 This type of person would like to be freedom. And also, They have a good imagination.
001 This type of person would like to do something different from others with their ideas.
012 This type of person will like new somethings. They also value discussions, especially.
024 This type of person is good at turning anxiety into action. They have a strong memory.
025 This type of person has a strong camaraderie. And also, they have a lot of friends.
100 This type of person is serious and perfectionist. They expose weak point when praised.
108 This type of person is shy and honest. And they have a strong sense of responsibility.
125 This type of person can accept temporary abstinence to fulfill their long-term goals.
555 This type of person is quick to learn and can do anything. Also, they are dignified.
789 This type of person value experience and achievement. Also, they prefer to be quiet.
888 This type of person value the spirit of challenge and are interested in various things.
919 This type of person has the quick situational judgment and also is good at bargaining.


The types that the base of ego.

type LifeBase =
  | 'application'
  | 'association'
  | 'development'
  | 'expression'
  | 'finance'
  | 'investment'
  | 'organization'
  | 'quest'
  | 'selfMind'
  | 'selfReliance';
Key CC Value
application G This type of person would like to self-experience seriously.
association I This type of person would like to do it immediately when they think.
development D This type of person would like to be perfectionists.
expression C This type of person would like to be honest with themselves.
finance E This type of person would like to put everything within eye reach.
investment F This type of person would like to be a down-to-earth collector.
organization H This type of person would like to live as a member of a group.
quest J This type of person would like to learn from the wisdom of our pioneers.
selfMind B This type of person would like to be a leader of the team.
selfReliance A This type of person would like to be a lone wolf.


The types that the risk management method.

type Management = 'care' | 'hope';
Key Value
care This type of person has a good intuition for risk but weak for chance perception.
hope This type of person has a good intuition for great opportunities, but weak risk perception.


The types of easy to the motivated environment.

type Motivation =
  | 'competition'
  | 'ownMind'
  | 'power'
  | 'safety'
  | 'skillUp'
  | 'status';
Key Value
competition The environment that can be compared with other peoples.
ownMind The environment that they can do on their plan.
power The environment that they can do as soon as they think about it.
safety The environment that they can pursue security and peace.
skillUp The environment that daily improvement can be felt.
status The environment that they can be different from others.


The types of roles.

type Position = 'adjust' | 'brain' | 'direct' | 'quick';
Key Value
adjust This type of person can solve interpersonal problems.
brain This type of person can create interesting ideas.
direct This type of person has all abilities little by little.
quick This type of person has a lot of energy, like a salesperson.


The potential type definition that can exert when taking action.

type Potential =
  | 'Ci'
  | 'Co'
  | 'Ei'
  | 'Eo'
  | 'Fi'
  | 'Fo'
  | 'Ii'
  | 'Io'
  | 'Ni'
  | 'No';
key CC Value
Ci j This type of person is good at sublimating existing works with respect.
Co i This type of person is skilled at exploring one thing. They also tend to an originator.
Ei d This type of person is good at non-verbal and passive expression.
Eo c This type of person is skilled at active expression through words.
Fi f This type of person is relatively cautious and can see the meaning behind the numbers.
Fo e This type of person is good at using numbers and other evidence-based expressions.
Ii b This type of person is a good listener and can draw out the other person's point.
Io a This type of person is good at active and aggressive communication.
Ni h This type of person has fine self-management skills and is good at maintaining organization.
No g This type of person is very caring and good at developing organizations.


The types of roles.

type Response = 'action' | 'mind';
Key Value
action This type of person would like to always act with customers.
mind This type of person would like to always act with only known peoples.


Personality types.

type Vector = 'authority' | 'economically' | 'humanely';
Key Value
authority This type of person would like to do the action for self-authority.
economically This type of person would like to do the action to build their wealth.
humanely This type of person would like to do the action for self-virtue.