Utilities for generating:
- Compilations of hosts, their satellites and their orbits, and interlopers, from halo catalogs (by default made using ROCKSTAR) and merger trees (by default made using consistent_trees).
- Probability distribution functions for orbital parameters (e.g. infall time) as a function of phase space position.
- Download via web UI, or 'git clone https://github.com/kyleaoman/orbitpdf.git'
- Install dependencies if necessary (see 'setup.py'), some may be found in other repositories by kyleaoman.
- Global install (Linux):
- cd to directory with 'setup.py'
- run 'sudo pip install -e .' (-e installs via symlink, so pulling repository will do a 'live' update of the installation)
- User install (Linux):
- cd to directory with 'setup.py'
- ensure '~/lib/python3.6/site-packages' or similar is on your PYTHONPATH (e.g. 'echo $PYTHONPATH'), if not, add it (perhaps in .bash_profile or similar)
- run 'pip install --prefix ~ -e .' (-e installs via symlink, so pulling repository will do a 'live' update of the installation)
- cd to a directory outside the module and launch python; you should be able to do 'from orbitpdf import *'.