This is a Chrome extension for patching the game client to enable Kantai3D and unlock high refresh rate.
It is recommended to download this extension from the Chrome Web Store whenever possible.
In this way, you can enjoy auto-updates.
Download Page:
You can always install this extension as an offline package if you cannot access Google services, or you want to modify my code.
- Download the latest release source code (ZIP):
- Extract it anywhere
- Open your browser, and navigate to chrome://extensions/
- Enable "Developer mode"
- Click "Load unpacked" and select the unzipped folder
- Enjoy
This extension is tested to be compatible with
- Google Chrome 88+ (It is a requirement for the new chrome extension Manifest V3 standard)
- With or without KC3 Kai
- Direction connection to the game server or generic VPN services in general
- Also work with
Kantai3D is not an officially approved program. Using it may be against the Terms of Service of DMM.
Kantai3D modifies your local game client (main.js) in order to achieve the visual effects but does not modify any in-game API request and response. It does not affect your normal gameplay or game balance.
Please use it at your own risk.
This mod alone does not include any data from the origin game. All depth maps used are also 100% hand-drawn.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact me at