Eriantys Board Game is the final project of "Software Engineering", course of "Computer Science and Engineering" held at Politecnico di Milano (2021/2022).
Professor Pierluigi San Pietro
Lab professor Daniele Cattaneo
Lab professor Chiara Criscuolo
Tutor Federica Suriano
Tutor Lorenzo Italiano
Final Score: 30/30 cum laude
The project consists of a Java version of the board game Eriantys, made by Cranio Creations.
The full game can be found here.
The final version includes:
- initial UML diagram: a first and an updated version;
- final UML diagram, generated from the code by automated tools;
- working game implementation, which has to be rules compliant;
- network protocol documentation of the application
- source code of the implementation;
- source code of unity tests.
- received peer-reviews of our UML and network protocol
- sent peer-reviews of UML and network protocol of other students
⛔ Not Implemented
The model package has a classes' coverage at 95% (22/23).
Coverage criteria: code lines.
Package | Tested Class | Coverage |
Model | Global Package | 250/288 (86%) |
Installation | Compiling | Running | Javadocs |
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This project has a large number of methods and classes and can sometimes be difficult to understand the purpose of each one of them. For this reason, each method and class has a doc associated to it.
The complete collection of the Javadocs can't be published right now because the
project has yet to be evaluated. Nonetheless, it is possible to execute Maven locally
on the repo by using the command mvn javadoc:javadoc
to generate a few html files containing
all the Javadocs of the project.
During the development of the project we have found necessary to automate the execution
of the application. To do so we created a few .xml
files that IntelliJ reads as running options (these files
are all contained in the /.run
They are still in the project to show our methods and how we worked during the project.
Intellij IDEA Ultimate - main IDE
GitKraken & GitHub Desktop - github
Scenebuilder - GUI
Notion - organisation and brainstorming
OneDrive - file sharing
Astah UML - UML and sequence diagrams
TeX Studio - documentation