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About 🕵️

Have you noticed that almost all front-end engineer gets bored with they stack? I believe is that what makes everybody to inovate and create a new stuff from scratch, like the ton of javascript libraries available.

That was kind of my case. I needed to learn more about some topics like CORS, cookies and raw auth.

At my early begins i skipped a lot of stuff to get into what i needed to find a job.

After a while, i decided to create a back-end with a nice docs and use that as a way to programing outside my job and grow my fullstack skills.

As a admireer of things done without IA and Youtube, i had ton of fun reading all docs i founded and get a lot frustated when my cookies was not being sended to my client-side.

LOL all i needed was to fetch with credentials but i know that now :D

I hope you enjoy this journey and remember

those who can still learn somenthing new, even when they think they know enough, are the best people to have around.

Check out the frontend

Tec's ⤵️

Back-End Description
Node Simple and efficient, how to now fall in love with Node 20?
Express Fast and furious, one of the oldest and fastest
Docker Container application solution
Prisma Database ORM, for me the best in the market for typescript
Postgress What can i say? It is opensource :D
Cloudnary A service that provide to us the CDN application to save our images


Docs available at api-docs after you do the Running the project steps

Running the project

First of all, we are using docker here to build the dev enviroment fast and with simple configuration.

  1. Up the docker enviroment with docker compose docker compose up -d
  2. Access the docs at api-docs


  1. Install the projects dependecies
  1. Run dev mode
    yarn dev

Running first time at Docker

Init the dev migrations

npx prisma migrate dev --name init

Pull the database

 npx prisma db pull

Then you can access the database to check it out, follow the below instructions.

Accessing the database inside docker

docker exec -it docker_hash_id bash

psql -U admin -d itrocadata

// change to the database you want
 \c itrocadata

 // list all tables

 // preceed to execute sql instructions
 SELECT * FROM "User";

Where the postgress database is located at your docker volumes

cd /
 cd ./var/lib
 ls -lha docker/volumes

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