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Produce CSV from JSON order tables #352

Produce CSV from JSON order tables

Produce CSV from JSON order tables #352

# First, stream JSON files to mlr, converting them from JSON to CSV; use xargs because the file list exhausts argument limits (~5k per batch).
# Then, remove extra header rows caused by calling mlr multiple times through xargs.
# Then, remove the processing file, and save the output.
# NB, differences in format between this and output of `oic-analysis` (which runs against the HTML):
# - pcNumber and htmlHash column names remain in camelCase
# - attachments is a stringified JSON array
# - year and number are not extracted from pcNumber
# - department is not processed after extraction, department_raw is not created
# - text column (html_text2 of the html column) is not created
name: Produce CSV from JSON order tables
workflows: [Scrape latest orders and attachments]
- completed
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Check out this repo
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install miller
run: |-
sudo apt-get install miller
- name: Run order table conversions with miller
run: |-
find order-tables -iname "*.json" | xargs mlr --ijson --ocsv --no-auto-flatten regularize > orders-interim1.csv
mlr --csv --from orders-interim1.csv filter '$html != "html"' > orders-interim2.csv
mlr --csv --from orders-interim2.csv cut -x -f html then sort -f pcNumber > processed-csvs/orders.csv
mlr --csv --from orders-interim2.csv then cut -f pcNumber,html then sort -f pcNumber > processed-csvs/orders-html.csv
rm orders-interim1.csv orders-interim2.csv
- name: Run attachment conversions with miller
run: |-
find attachments -iname "*.json" | xargs mlr --ijson --ocsv --no-auto-flatten regularize > attachments-interim1.csv
mlr --csv --from attachments-interim1.csv filter '$attachmentHtml != "attachmentHtml"' > attachments-interim2.csv
mlr --csv --from attachments-interim2.csv cut -x -f attachmentHtml then sort -n id > processed-csvs/attachments.csv
mlr --csv --from attachments-interim2.csv then cut -f id,attachmentHtml then sort -n id | gzip > processed-csvs/attachments-html.csv.gz
rm attachments-interim1.csv attachments-interim2.csv
- name: Commit and push if it changed
run: |-
git config "Automated"
git config ""
git add processed-csvs/orders.csv processed-csvs/orders-html.csv
git add processed-csvs/attachments.csv processed-csvs/attachments-html.csv.gz
timestamp=$(date -u)
git commit -m "CSV from JSON as of: ${timestamp}" || exit 0
git push