Forehead is an Arduino No Touch Thermometer with MLX90614 sensor and various output options. It was inspired by commercial thermometer used to measure the temperature of shopping mall goers in the time of COVID-19 outbreak. Unlike the commercial no touch thermometer that requires very close proximity to the measured object, Forehead's sensor can be placed around 30-40cm away from the person's forehead and still get good reading.
This project caters for various types of hardware, currently it supports:
- Arduino Uno/Nano
- MLX90614
- Optional
- SSD1306 OLED display
- LCD i2c, two or four lines
- Ultrasonic sensor
- Passive buzzer or speaker
- On the Arduino IDE, install the library according to the parts you are going to use by doing:
- Menu -> Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries and wait for Library Manager dialog.
- On 'Filter your search' type in the name of the parts such as: Adafruit MLX90614, Adafruit SSD1306, Liquid Crystal i2c.
- Click install
- Repeat the obve with other libraries
- Copy any of the .ino file in this repository and paste it on your Arduino IDE.
Available files:
- forehead_fusion Reading MDX90614 + Ultrasonic (Sensor Fusion), output to OLED, LCD, Buzzer
- forehead_lcd Reading from MLX90614 and output to LCD with i2c
- forehead_oled.ino Reading from MLX90614 and output to Serial + OLED
- forehead_serial.ino Reading from MLX90614 and output to Serial port only
- Compile and upload to Arduino