Setup your git environment quickly.
git clone
cd Set4git
If you can't run powershell script, try this:
powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File .\set4git.ps1
- macOS: Install git by Homebrew.
- Linux
- Debian-family: Install git by apt.
- Redhat-family: Install git by dnf.
- Arch-family: Install git by pacman.
- SuSE-family: Install git by zypper.
- Windows: Install git by Scoop, Chocolatey, Winget or Git for Windows(Manually).
- Set user name and email.
- Set global ui/branch/diff/interactive/status colour auto.
- Set global editor vi (macOS & Linux) or notepad (Windows).
- Set global use lfs.
Ignore | macOS | Linux | Windows |
macOS | O | ||
Linux | O | ||
Windows | O | ||
Vim | O | O | O |
Emacs | O | O | O |
Xcode | O | ||
Visual Studio | O | O | |
Visual Studio Code | O | O | O |
SublimeText | O | O | O |
Eclipse | O | O | O |
Komodo Edit | O | O | O |
IntelliJ IDEA | O | O | O |
Android Studio | O | O | O |
It sourced by Toptal. Visited and find more gitignore files in