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Releases: lekeno/edr

Bug fixes for wing, failures to report new cmdrs, new systems

29 Dec 23:20
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Bug fixes for wing and new systems

See issue #49 and #50

Chrome Sitreps for Xmas

23 Dec 08:13
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  • !sitrep : shows a sitrep for the current system
  • !sitrep <system_name> : shows a sitrep for the specified <system_name> star system
  • !sitreps : shows a list of systems with recent crimes or traffic
  • !notams : shows a list of systems with active NOTAMs (Notice To Air Men)
  • !notam <system_name> : shows the list of active NOTAM for a given system, if any
  • avoid duplicate cmdrs in Outlaws and Sighted section of a Sitrep
  • avoid empty sections in !sitreps
  • show a list systems with sighted outlaws for !sitreps (new logic on backend, so only applies to new sightings)
  • Fixed incorrect anarchy state for a destination sitrep when the player is in an anarchy / lawless system.
  • Fixed typo in the over-warn avoidance function.

Other changes:

  • Sitrep shown when starting a new game
  • Sitrep now shows recently sighted outlaws
  • Don't warn everytime an outlaw reveals their presence
  • various fixes and improvements.
  • remove client side canonicalization

Shinier Sitreps

22 Dec 12:01
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Shinier Sitreps Pre-release


  • !notam <system_name> : shows the list of active NOTAM for a given system, if any
  • avoid duplicate cmdrs in Outlaws and Sighted section of a Sitrep
  • avoid empty sections in !sitreps
  • show a list systems with sighted outlaws for !sitreps (new logic on backend, so only applies to new sightings)
  • Fixed incorrect anarchy state for a destination sitrep when the player is in an anarchy / lawless system.
  • Fixed typo in the over-warn avoidance function.

Added the following chat commands:

  • !sitrep : shows a sitrep for the current system
  • !sitrep <system_name> : shows a sitrep for the specified <system_name> star system
  • !sitreps : shows a list of systems with recent crimes or traffic
  • !notams : shows a list of systems with active NOTAMs (Notice To Air Men)

Other changes:

  • Sitrep shown when starting a new game
  • Sitrep now shows recently sighted outlaws
  • Don't warn everytime an outlaw reveals their presence
  • various fixes and improvements.

Shiny Sitreps

21 Dec 12:52
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Shiny Sitreps Pre-release

Added the following chat command:

  • !sitrep : shows a sitrep for the current system
  • !sitrep <system_name> : shows a sitrep for the specified <system_name> star system
  • !sitreps : shows a list of systems with recent crimes or traffic
  • !notams : shows a list of currently active NOTAM (Notice To Air Men)

Other changes:

  • Sitrep shown when starting a new game
  • Sitrep now shows recently sighted outlaws
  • Don't warn everytime an outlaw reveals their presence
  • various fixes and improvements.

The Vegas rule.

11 Dec 22:02
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The Vegas rule. Pre-release

Crimes don't exist in Anarchy and Lawless systems.
EDR will not report them anymore (it's supposed to be a dangerous place).
However, EDR will continue to report sighted Cmdrs and give you intel about specific Cmdrs with the usual comms commands.

Also include an internal change to friends: EDR is now using EDMC's online friends state instead of the original workaround. This should avoid false positives with friends (i.e. EDR would sometime report your friend as being in the same system than you while they are somewhere else).

Fixes for broken cmdr query and untracked PVPKills

11 Dec 03:53
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Make Anarchy dangerous again

06 Dec 22:55
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EDR should not report crimes in Anarchy systems since there isn't such a thing and Anarchy are meant to be dangerous.

EDR will:

  • keep showing sighted cmdrs on jump in the Sitrep.
  • let you use o7 and !who comms commands in Anarchy systems.
  • warn you that crimes are not reported while in Anarchy systems.

Note: crimes reported by older versions of EDR will still be shown (up to 10 days ago).

Proper support for user defined layout

04 Dec 23:33
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To customize the overlay layout, copy igm_config.ini and rename it to user_igm_config.ini then read the instructions in the file.

Also contains bug fixes related to friends state.

More legible Sitrep with word wrapping

04 Dec 03:44
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Uses word wrapping and a layout with a shorter width to make the Sitrep more legible.

Stable release for v0.4.0

03 Dec 02:20
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Contains Sitrep feature, giving a heads-up report about a destination system.