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Add some sample specs related to will62794#39
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will62794 committed May 1, 2024
1 parent ecca49a commit d8a51af
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Showing 2 changed files with 348 additions and 0 deletions.
174 changes: 174 additions & 0 deletions specs/SingleNode1.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
---- MODULE SingleNode1 ----

EXTENDS Naturals, Sequences, SequencesExt

RwTxRequest == "RwTxRequest"
RwTxResponse == "RwTxResponse"
RoTxRequest == "RoTxRequest"
RoTxResponse == "RoTxResponse"
TxStatusReceived == "TxStatusReceived"

CommittedStatus == "CommittedStatus"
InvalidStatus == "InvalidStatus"
TxStatuses == {

FirstBranch == 1

Views == Nat

\* Sequence numbers start at 1, 0 is used a null value
SeqNums == Nat

\* TxIDs consist of a view and sequence number and thus start at (1,1)
TxIDs == Views \X SeqNums

\* This models uses a dummy application where read-write transactions
\* append an integer to a list and then reads the list
\* Read-only transactions simply read the list
Txs == Nat


HistoryTypeOK ==
\A i \in DOMAIN history:
\/ /\ history[i].type \in {RwTxRequest, RoTxRequest}
/\ history[i].tx \in Txs
\/ /\ history[i].type \in {RwTxResponse, RoTxResponse}
/\ history[i].tx \in Txs
/\ history[i].observed \in Seq(Txs)
/\ history[i].tx_id \in TxIDs
\/ /\ history[i].type = TxStatusReceived
/\ history[i].tx_id \in TxIDs
/\ history[i].status \in TxStatuses

\* Abstract ledgers that contains only client transactions (no signatures)
\* Indexed by view, each ledger is the ledger associated with leader of that view
\* In practice, the ledger of every CCF node is one of these or a prefix for one of these
\* This could be switched to a tree which can represent forks more elegantly
VARIABLES ledgerBranches

LedgerTypeOK ==
\A view \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches:
\A seqnum \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches[view]:
\* Each ledger entry is tuple containing a view and tx
\* The ledger entry index is the sequence number
/\ ledgerBranches[view][seqnum].view \in Views
/\ "tx" \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches[view][seqnum] => ledgerBranches[view][seqnum].tx \in Txs

\* In this abstract version of CCF's consensus layer, each ledger is append-only
LedgersMonoProp ==
[][\A view \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches: IsPrefix(ledgerBranches[view], ledgerBranches'[view])]_ledgerBranches

vars == << history, ledgerBranches >>

TypeOK ==
/\ HistoryTypeOK
/\ LedgerTypeOK

Init ==
/\ history = <<>>
/\ ledgerBranches = [ x \in 1..FirstBranch |-> <<>>]

IndexOfLastRequested ==
SelectLastInSeq(history, LAMBDA e : e.type \in {RwTxRequest, RoTxRequest})

NextRequestId ==
IF IndexOfLastRequested = 0 THEN 0 ELSE history[IndexOfLastRequested].tx+1

\* Submit new read-write transaction
\* This could be extended to add a notion of session and then check for session consistency
RwTxRequestAction ==
/\ history' = Append(
[type |-> RwTxRequest, tx |-> NextRequestId]
/\ UNCHANGED ledgerBranches

\* Execute a read-write transaction
RwTxExecuteAction ==
/\ \E i \in DOMAIN history :
/\ history[i].type = RwTxRequest
\* Check transaction has not already been added to a ledger
/\ \A view \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches:
\A seqnum \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches[view]:
"tx" \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches[view][seqnum]
=> history[i].tx /= ledgerBranches[view][seqnum].tx
\* Note that a transaction can be added to any ledger, simulating the fact
\* that it can be picked up by the current leader or any former leader
/\ \E view \in FirstBranch..Len(ledgerBranches):
ledgerBranches' = [ledgerBranches EXCEPT ![view] =
Append(@,[view |-> view, tx |-> history[i].tx])]
/\ UNCHANGED history

LedgerBranchTxOnly(branch) ==
LET SubBranch == SelectSeq(branch, LAMBDA e : "tx" \in DOMAIN e)
IN [i \in DOMAIN SubBranch |-> SubBranch[i].tx]

\* Response to a read-write transaction
RwTxResponseAction ==
/\ \E i \in DOMAIN history :
\* Check request has been received and executed but not yet responded to
/\ history[i].type = RwTxRequest
/\ {j \in DOMAIN history:
/\ j > i
/\ history[j].type = RwTxResponse
/\ history[j].tx = history[i].tx} = {}
/\ \E view \in FirstBranch..Len(ledgerBranches):
/\ \E seqnum \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches[view]:
/\ "tx" \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches[view][seqnum]
/\ history[i].tx = ledgerBranches[view][seqnum].tx
/\ history' = Append(
type |-> RwTxResponse,
tx |-> history[i].tx,
observed |-> LedgerBranchTxOnly(SubSeq(ledgerBranches[view],1,seqnum)),
tx_id |-> <<ledgerBranches[view][seqnum].view, seqnum>>] )
/\ UNCHANGED ledgerBranches

\* Sending a committed status message
\* Note that a request could only be committed if it's in the highest view's ledger
StatusCommittedResponseAction ==
/\ \E i \in DOMAIN history :
LET view == history[i].tx_id[1]
seqno == history[i].tx_id[2]
IN /\ history[i].type = RwTxResponse
/\ Len(Last(ledgerBranches)) >= seqno
/\ Last(ledgerBranches)[seqno].view = view
\* There is no future InvalidStatus that's incompatible with this commit
\* This is to accomodate StatusInvalidResponseAction making future commits invalid,
\* and is an unnecessary complication for model checking. It does facilitate trace
\* validation though, by allowing immediate processing of Invalids without
\* needing to wait for the commit history knowledge to catch up.
/\ \lnot \E j \in DOMAIN history:
/\ history[j].type = TxStatusReceived
/\ history[j].status = InvalidStatus
/\ history[j].tx_id[1] = view
/\ history[j].tx_id[2] <= seqno
\* Reply
/\ history' = Append(
type |-> TxStatusReceived,
tx_id |-> history[i].tx_id,
status |-> CommittedStatus]
/\ UNCHANGED ledgerBranches

\* Append a transaction to the ledger which does not impact the state we are considering
AppendOtherTxnAction ==
/\ \E view \in FirstBranch..Len(ledgerBranches):
ledgerBranches' = [ledgerBranches EXCEPT ![view] =
Append(@,[view |-> view])]
/\ UNCHANGED history

\* A CCF service with a single node will never have a view change
\* so the log will never be rolled back and thus transaction IDs cannot be invalid
Next ==
\/ RwTxRequestAction
\/ RwTxExecuteAction
\/ RwTxResponseAction
\* \/ StatusCommittedResponseAction
\/ AppendOtherTxnAction
174 changes: 174 additions & 0 deletions specs/SingleNode2.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
---- MODULE SingleNode2 ----

EXTENDS Naturals, Sequences, SequencesExt

RwTxRequest == "RwTxRequest"
RwTxResponse == "RwTxResponse"
RoTxRequest == "RoTxRequest"
RoTxResponse == "RoTxResponse"
TxStatusReceived == "TxStatusReceived"

CommittedStatus == "CommittedStatus"
InvalidStatus == "InvalidStatus"
TxStatuses == {

FirstBranch == 1

Views == Nat

\* Sequence numbers start at 1, 0 is used a null value
SeqNums == Nat

\* TxIDs consist of a view and sequence number and thus start at (1,1)
TxIDs == Views \X SeqNums

\* This models uses a dummy application where read-write transactions
\* append an integer to a list and then reads the list
\* Read-only transactions simply read the list
Txs == Nat


HistoryTypeOK ==
\A i \in DOMAIN history:
\/ /\ history[i].type \in {RwTxRequest, RoTxRequest}
/\ history[i].tx \in Txs
\/ /\ history[i].type \in {RwTxResponse, RoTxResponse}
/\ history[i].tx \in Txs
/\ history[i].observed \in Seq(Txs)
/\ history[i].tx_id \in TxIDs
\/ /\ history[i].type = TxStatusReceived
/\ history[i].tx_id \in TxIDs
/\ history[i].status \in TxStatuses

\* Abstract ledgers that contains only client transactions (no signatures)
\* Indexed by view, each ledger is the ledger associated with leader of that view
\* In practice, the ledger of every CCF node is one of these or a prefix for one of these
\* This could be switched to a tree which can represent forks more elegantly
VARIABLES ledgerBranches

LedgerTypeOK ==
\A view \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches:
\A seqnum \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches[view]:
\* Each ledger entry is tuple containing a view and tx
\* The ledger entry index is the sequence number
/\ ledgerBranches[view][seqnum].view \in Views
/\ "tx" \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches[view][seqnum] => ledgerBranches[view][seqnum].tx \in Txs

\* In this abstract version of CCF's consensus layer, each ledger is append-only
LedgersMonoProp ==
[][\A view \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches: IsPrefix(ledgerBranches[view], ledgerBranches'[view])]_ledgerBranches

vars == << history, ledgerBranches >>

TypeOK ==
/\ HistoryTypeOK
/\ LedgerTypeOK

Init ==
/\ history = <<>>
/\ ledgerBranches = [ x \in 1..FirstBranch |-> <<>>]

IndexOfLastRequested ==
SelectLastInSeq(history, LAMBDA e : e.type \in {RwTxRequest, RoTxRequest})

NextRequestId ==
IF IndexOfLastRequested = 0 THEN 0 ELSE history[IndexOfLastRequested].tx+1

\* Submit new read-write transaction
\* This could be extended to add a notion of session and then check for session consistency
RwTxRequestAction ==
/\ history' = Append(
[type |-> RwTxRequest, tx |-> NextRequestId]
/\ UNCHANGED ledgerBranches

\* Execute a read-write transaction
RwTxExecuteAction ==
/\ \E i \in DOMAIN history :
/\ history[i].type = RwTxRequest
\* Check transaction has not already been added to a ledger
/\ \A view \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches:
\A seqnum \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches[view]:
"tx" \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches[view][seqnum]
=> history[i].tx /= ledgerBranches[view][seqnum].tx
\* Note that a transaction can be added to any ledger, simulating the fact
\* that it can be picked up by the current leader or any former leader
/\ \E view \in FirstBranch..Len(ledgerBranches):
ledgerBranches' = [ledgerBranches EXCEPT ![view] =
Append(@,[view |-> view, tx |-> history[i].tx])]
/\ UNCHANGED history

LedgerBranchTxOnly(branch) ==
LET SubBranch == SelectSeq(branch, LAMBDA e : "tx" \in DOMAIN e)
IN [i \in DOMAIN SubBranch |-> SubBranch[i].tx]

\* Response to a read-write transaction
RwTxResponseAction ==
/\ \E i \in DOMAIN history :
\* Check request has been received and executed but not yet responded to
/\ history[i].type = RwTxRequest
/\ {j \in DOMAIN history:
/\ j > i
/\ history[j].type = RwTxResponse
/\ history[j].tx = history[i].tx} = {}
/\ \E view \in FirstBranch..Len(ledgerBranches):
/\ \E seqnum \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches[view]:
/\ "tx" \in DOMAIN ledgerBranches[view][seqnum]
/\ history[i].tx = ledgerBranches[view][seqnum].tx
/\ history' = Append(
type |-> RwTxResponse,
tx |-> history[i].tx,
observed |-> LedgerBranchTxOnly(SubSeq(ledgerBranches[view],1,seqnum)),
tx_id |-> <<ledgerBranches[view][seqnum].view, seqnum>>] )
/\ UNCHANGED ledgerBranches

\* Sending a committed status message
\* Note that a request could only be committed if it's in the highest view's ledger
StatusCommittedResponseAction ==
/\ \E i \in DOMAIN history :
LET view == history[i].tx_id[1]
seqno == history[i].tx_id[2]
IN /\ history[i].type = RwTxResponse
/\ Len(Last(ledgerBranches)) >= seqno
/\ Last(ledgerBranches)[seqno].view = view
\* There is no future InvalidStatus that's incompatible with this commit
\* This is to accomodate StatusInvalidResponseAction making future commits invalid,
\* and is an unnecessary complication for model checking. It does facilitate trace
\* validation though, by allowing immediate processing of Invalids without
\* needing to wait for the commit history knowledge to catch up.
/\ \lnot \E j \in DOMAIN history:
/\ history[j].type = TxStatusReceived
/\ history[j].status = InvalidStatus
/\ history[j].tx_id[1] = view
/\ history[j].tx_id[2] <= seqno
\* Reply
/\ history' = Append(
type |-> TxStatusReceived,
tx_id |-> history[i].tx_id,
status |-> CommittedStatus]
/\ UNCHANGED ledgerBranches

\* Append a transaction to the ledger which does not impact the state we are considering
AppendOtherTxnAction ==
/\ \E view \in FirstBranch..Len(ledgerBranches):
ledgerBranches' = [ledgerBranches EXCEPT ![view] =
Append(@,[view |-> view])]
/\ UNCHANGED history

\* A CCF service with a single node will never have a view change
\* so the log will never be rolled back and thus transaction IDs cannot be invalid
Next ==
\/ RwTxRequestAction
\/ RwTxExecuteAction
\/ RwTxResponseAction
\/ StatusCommittedResponseAction
\/ AppendOtherTxnAction

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