Welcome to my repository of solved LeetCode problems! Here you'll find a collection of my solutions to various LeetCode problems. This repository is intended to showcase my problem-solving skills and understanding of algorithms and data structures
To get started with this repository, follow these steps:
Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/lenardjombo/leetcode-java-solutions.git
Navigate to the Directory:
cd leetcode-java-solutions
Explore the Code:
- Each problem is solved in its respective Java file located in the directory.
- Problems are organized by their LeetCode problem number or name.
Here is a list of problems and their corresponding solutions:
- Two Sum -
- Binary Search -
- Linear Search -
- NumberOfVowels -
- Remove Duplicate From Sorted Array -
- Median of Two Sorted Arrays -
- Multiplication table up to n -
Multiplication table up to n
. - Integer (n) to Binary -
Integer to Binary
. - FizzBuzz -
- Add Two Integers -
Add Two Integers
- Factorial (sum) -
Factorial Sum of n numbers
- Fibonacci Series -
Fibonacci series
- Richest Customer Wealth -
Richest Customer Wealth
- Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array -
Fast and Last Position of an Element
- Maximum sum of Two smallests in every sub-array -
Two Smallests in Every Subarray
Feel free to browse through the files to see how different problems are approached and solved.
Contributions are welcome! If you have any improvements or additional solutions, please open an issue or submit a pull request. Ensure that your code follows the same format and style as the existing solutions.
This repository is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out:
- GitHub: github.com/lenardjombo
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/lenardjombo
- Medium: medium.com/@lenardjombo
- LeetCode: leetcode.com/lenardjombo
Thank you for visiting!