HolbertonBnB is a comprehensive full-stack web application mimicking the core functionality of AirBnB.
Upon completion, the application will consist:
- A command interpreter to manipulate data without a visual interface, like in a Shell (perfect for development and debugging)
- A website (the front-end) that shows the final product to everybody: static and dynamic
- A database or files that store data (data = objects)
- An API that provides a communication interface between the front-end and your data (retrieve, create, delete, update them)
Currently, the project focuses on the backend console for managing application data and logic.
HolbertonBnB features the following core classes:
Model | Description | Attributes and Methods |
BaseModel | Base class for all models, providing universal attributes and methods. | id , created_at , updated_at |
User | Handles user-specific data such as email, password, and name. | email , password , first_name , last_name |
State | Stores information about states. | name |
City | Contains details for cities, linked to a State. | state_id , name |
Amenity | Represents amenities available in a place. | name |
Place | Captures data about rental properties like rooms, price, and location. | city_id , user_id , name , description , price_by_night , |
Review | Stores user reviews for a place, linked to a User and Place. | place_id , user_id , text |
Currently the application uses a JSON-based file storage system, managed through the FileStorage class:
stores all data persistently.
Storage Object: An instance of FileStorage (storage) handles loading, saving, and updating class instances.
The console serves as a command-line interface (CLI) for managing HolbertonBnB's backend. It supports interactive and non-interactive modes.
Usage Start the console by executing console.py:
$ ./console.py
Commands are entered at the (hbnb) prompt.
Quit with:
EOF signal (Ctrl+D)
Commands Overview
Command | Description | Usage Example |
create |
Creates a new instance of a class and saves it to the JSON file. | create User |
show |
Displays the string representation of an instance by its class name and ID. | show User 1234-5678-9101 |
destroy |
Deletes an instance by its class name and ID, removing it from the JSON file. | destroy Place 9876-5432-101 |
all |
Displays all instances, or all instances of a specific class if a class name is provided. | all or all User |
update |
Updates an instance based on its class name and ID, adding or changing an attribute. | update User 1234 name "John" |
count |
Counts the number of instances of a specific class. | count User |
quit or EOF |
Exits the console. | quit or Ctrl+D |
help |
Displays a list of available commands or usage instructions for a specific command. | help or help create |
$ ./console.py
(hbnb) create User
$ ./console.py
(hbnb) show User 3c8e7696-98c8-45e1-bce1-5539e6b44cf2
[User] (3c8e7696-98c8-45e1-bce1-5539e6b44cf2) {'id': '3c8e7696...', 'email': ...}
$ ./console.py
(hbnb) destroy User 3c8e7696-98c8-45e1-bce1-5539e6b44cf2
(hbnb)update User e0a1d892-db08-41d3-9ed1-a9d8b448eef2 e-mail someone@example.com
(hbnb)show User e0a1d892-db08-41d3-9ed1-a9d8b448eef2
[User] (e0a1d892-db08-41d3-9ed1-a9d8b448eef2) {'id': 'e0a1d892-db08-41d3-9ed1-a9d8b448eef2', ... 'e-mail': 'someone@example.com'}
- Add database storage.
- Build a RESTful API.
- Develop a user-friendly front-end interface.