This application has been made since I was tired that my computer runs on a full powerplan when I'm away from my computer.
When you launch the application, a tray icon will appear in your toolbar.
You can double click the icon to open a setting menu and right click to either exit the application or to add the application to your windows startup.
You can write plugins for this application. The plugins must be written in .NET Framework from 4.0 or higher.
To write a plugin you need to add the application as a reference and just implement the interface IPlugin.
There is an example project in the /Plugins folder.
You need to place the compiled plugin (with dependency's) in the plugins folder inside the application folder.
The name should always be LockUnlockPowerProfile.Plugins.EXAMPLE otherwise the plugin will not be loaded.
The application icon is used from Created by Julia Osadcha.