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lgessler committed Dec 26, 2021
1 parent 744a61a commit 3658098
Showing 1 changed file with 20 additions and 20 deletions.
40 changes: 20 additions & 20 deletions src/main/glam/client/ui/document/interlinear_editor.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -118,19 +118,15 @@
(let [updates (atom [])
spans (atom (filterv #(= (:span/layer %) sl-id) (:token-layer/sentence-level-spans token-layer)))]

(log/info @spans)

;; Check 1: if some spans span multiple lines, choose just one line (the smallest)
;; TODO: just takes the lowest numbered line right now, probably we want to actually take the line
;; with the most tokens associated with the given span
(reset! spans
(mapv (fn [{tokens :span/tokens id :span/id :as span}]
(let [lines (map (comp :token/line #(get token-index %)) tokens)]
(log/info lines span)
(if (> (count (set lines)) 1)
(let [min-line (apply min lines)
new-tokens (filterv #(= min-line (line->tokens (:token/id %))) tokens)]
(log/info new-tokens)
(swap! updates conj [:merge {:span/id id :span/tokens new-tokens}])
(-> span
(assoc :lines #{min-line})
Expand All @@ -154,14 +150,14 @@

;; Check 3: if some spans only incompletely span a line, expand them
(reset! spans
(doall (for [{:span/keys [id tokens] :as span} @spans]
(let [line-num (-> span :lines first)
line-token-ids (mapv :token/id (line->tokens line-num))]
(if-not (= (set line-token-ids) (set tokens))
(swap! updates conj [:merge {:span/id id :span/tokens line-token-ids}])
(assoc span :span/tokens line-token-ids))
(for [{:span/keys [id tokens] :as span} @spans]
(let [line-num (-> span :lines first)
line-token-ids (mapv :token/id (line->tokens line-num))]
(if-not (= (set line-token-ids) (set tokens))
(swap! updates conj [:merge {:span/id id :span/tokens line-token-ids}])
(assoc span :span/tokens line-token-ids))

;; Check 4: if some lines entirely lack a span, create one
(let [covered-lines (set (mapcat #(->> (% :span/tokens)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -402,12 +398,13 @@
line-count (count contentful-lines)
sentence-level-spans-by-line (group-by (comp line-remapping :token/line tokens-by-id first :span/tokens) sentence-level-spans)
(fn [[i tokens]]
(fn [{:keys [i tokens hidden?]}]
;; For each line...
(dom/div {:style {:backgroundColor (if (even? i) "#0055ff17" "white")
:borderRadius 4
:padding "0.3em"
:marginBottom "1em"}
:marginBottom "1em"
:display (if hidden? "none" "block")}
:key (str "line" i)}

;; Token-level
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -439,10 +436,10 @@

(flex-col {:key "spans"}
(doall (for [sl-id (map :span-layer/id sentence-span-layers)]
(let [span (some #(when (= (:span/layer %) sl-id) %) (sentence-level-spans-by-line i))]
(when span
(ui-sentence-level-span span)))))))))]
(for [sl-id (map :span-layer/id sentence-span-layers)]
(let [span (some #(when (= (:span/layer %) sl-id) %) (sentence-level-spans-by-line i))]
(when span
(ui-sentence-level-span span))))))))]
(let [page-count 10
pagination (fn []
(when (> line-count page-count)
Expand All @@ -455,8 +452,11 @@
:title name})

(mui/card-content {}
(mapv render-line (map (fn [i] [i (tokens-by-line i)])
(range (* page-count (dec page)) (min line-count (* page-count page))))))
(mapv render-line (map (fn [i]
{:i i
:tokens (tokens-by-line i)})
(range (* page-count (dec page))
(min line-count (* page-count page))))))

(mui/card-actions {}
Expand Down

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