Released v10.0.13
1121 commits
to master
since this release
This is an update for 1.16, and remains compatible with 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15 and the secret 1.NaN
Among the update comes several new fixes and features.
And this changelog is 4x bigger than I thought it was..
- Added command /ld updateprotocollib
- Improved nms version checking
- Now screams like a banshee when you're running old ProtocolLib, no opt out
- Added hex color support to translations, format is "<#abcabc>My message"
- Reworked how interaction packet is caught to be faster
- Now cries better when you're not running spigot at least
- Now able to disguise as more falling blocks types, like flower pots
- Fixed bee meta being read wrong
- Fixed multi names not upgrading from old LD versions
- Make setskin smarter about game profiles/skin names, especially for player disguise constructors
- Added setDisguiseName, which doesn't require a special permission to use
- Fixed players being sent the "Allowed Disguises" message when they're not allowed anything
- Fixed tablist entries sometimes not being removed
- Fixed enderman item holding not being sent
- I now see who doesn't bother removing the default libraryaddict disguise, I'm disgusted in you all. Really.
- Added /grabhead
- Now uses saved skins if possible instead of skin api
- Added /ld uploadlogs
- Added more debug info for /ld permtest
- Fixed null disguises error when changing worlds and self disguised
- Added config option to turn off login payloads, only really used for modded entity disguises
- Cleaned up the disguise runnable a bit, maybe fixes performance issues? Not sure
- Always set the watcher when cloned, fixed some data not being copied
- Fixed disguise data loading order to prevent wrong data being loaded as defaults
- No longer wraps disguises in synchronized map or lists
- Disguise parsing methods now parse in opposite order to provide cleaner strings
- Fixed modded entities not being supported properly, it now implements the forge method of registration (For 1.15 at least)
- Now tells you error if github fails to update
- Don't let clients know that dolphins secretly have the ability to walk, also known as spinning randomish
- Delay head rotate packet for paper users to try avoid xray issue, I hate you paper!
- Cleaned up spacing for config
- Add ability to set parrots on player shoulders
- Fixed bug for setting villager disguise level
- Added more information to translations on how to translate
- You've reached the final message of the changelog, please start from the beginning to read more.