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Improve the showNode function to only show minimal patterns (using et…
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…a-equivalence); add support for inline code snippets in the WiQEE consoles
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Marc Coiffier committed Oct 17, 2018
1 parent ffa1577 commit 2731302
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Showing 4 changed files with 79 additions and 48 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion capricon/capricon.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- see

name: capricon
version: 0.8
version: 0.8.1
-- synopsis:
-- description:
license: GPL-3
Expand Down
72 changes: 40 additions & 32 deletions capricon/exe/WiQEE.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ setBytes :: String -> [Word8] -> JS.CIO ()
setBytes f v = setString f (map (toEnum . fromIntegral) v)

hasteDict :: COCDict JS.CIO String
hasteDict = cocDict ("0.8-js" :: String) getString getBytes setString setBytes
hasteDict = cocDict ("0.8.1-js" :: String) getString getBytes setString setBytes

main :: IO ()
main = JS.concurrent $ void $ do
Expand All @@ -107,40 +107,48 @@ main = JS.concurrent $ void $ do
prelude <- JS.withElem "capricon-prelude" (\e -> JS.getProp e "textContent")
(initState,_) <- runWordsState (map fromString $ stringWords prelude) (defaultState hasteDict (COCState False [] zero id))

roots <- JS.elemsByClass "capricon-steps"
roots <- JS.elemsByQS JS.documentBody ".capricon-steps, code.capricon"
Just console <- JS.elemById "capricon-console"

(\k -> foldr k (const unit) roots initState) $ \root next state -> do
JS.wait 10
(\k -> foldr k (\_ _ -> unit) roots initState "") $ \root next state pref -> do
isCode <- JS.hasClass root "capricon"

root' <- cloneNode root
JS.toggleClass root' "capricon-frame"
rootChildren <- JS.getChildren root'
rootTitle <- JS.newElem "h3" <*= \head -> JS.appendChild head =<< JS.newTextElem "CaPriCon Console"
closeBtn <- JS.newElem "button" <*= \but -> JS.appendChild but =<< JS.newTextElem "Close"
JS.appendChild rootTitle closeBtn
JS.appendChild console root'
JS.setChildren root' (rootTitle:rootChildren)

withSubElems root ["capricon-trigger"] $ \[trig] -> void $ do
withSubElems root' ["capricon-input"] $ \[inp] -> void $ do
let toggleActive = do
JS.toggleClass root' "active"
JS.focus inp
JS.onEvent closeBtn JS.Click (const toggleActive)
JS.onEvent trig JS.Click $ \_ -> toggleActive
withSubElems root' ["capricon-input","capricon-output"] $ \[inp,out] -> do
JS.withElemsQS root' ".capricon-context" $ \case
[con] -> do
context <- JS.getProp con "textContent"
(state',_) <- runWordsState (stringWords (fromString context)) state
JS.onEvent inp JS.KeyPress $ \case
JS.KeyData 13 False False False False -> do
Just v <- JS.getValue inp
(_,x) <- runWordsState (stringWords v) state'
JS.setProp out "textContent" (toString x)
_ -> unit
next state'
if isCode
then do
p <- JS.getProp root "textContent"
next state (pref+" "+p)
else do
JS.wait 10

root' <- cloneNode root
JS.toggleClass root' "capricon-frame"
rootChildren <- JS.getChildren root'
rootTitle <- JS.newElem "h3" <*= \head -> JS.appendChild head =<< JS.newTextElem "CaPriCon Console"
closeBtn <- JS.newElem "button" <*= \but -> JS.appendChild but =<< JS.newTextElem "Close"
JS.appendChild rootTitle closeBtn
JS.appendChild console root'
JS.setChildren root' (rootTitle:rootChildren)

withSubElems root ["capricon-trigger"] $ \[trig] -> void $ do
withSubElems root' ["capricon-input"] $ \[inp] -> void $ do
let toggleActive = do
JS.toggleClass root' "active"
JS.focus inp
JS.onEvent closeBtn JS.Click (const toggleActive)
JS.onEvent trig JS.Click $ \_ -> toggleActive
withSubElems root' ["capricon-input","capricon-output"] $ \[inp,out] -> do
JS.withElemsQS root' ".capricon-context" $ \case
[con] -> do
context <- JS.getProp con "textContent"
let text = pref+" "+context
(state',_) <- runWordsState (stringWords text) state
JS.onEvent inp JS.KeyPress $ \case
JS.KeyData 13 False False False False -> do
Just v <- JS.getValue inp
(_,x) <- runWordsState (stringWords v) state'
JS.setProp out "textContent" (toString x)
_ -> unit
next state' ""

cloneNode :: MonadIO m => JS.Elem -> m JS.Elem
cloneNode x = liftIO $ JS.ffi "(function (n) { return n.cloneNode(true); })" x
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions capricon/src/CaPriCon/Run.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -82,13 +82,13 @@ literate = intercalate [":s\n"] <$> sepBy' (cmdline "> " <+? cmdline "$> " <+? c
cmdline pre = map (\x -> [":cp"+intercalate "\n" (map fst x)]
+ wrapResult True (foldMap snd x))
(sepBy1' go (single '\n'))
where go = do pre; many' (noneOf ['\n']) <&> \x -> (fromString x,map fromString (stringWords x))
where go = do pre; many' (noneOf ['\n']) <&> \x -> (fromString x,map fromString (stringWords x+["steps."]))
commentline = map (foldMap (pure . (":s"+) <|> \(x,t) -> t+[":cs"+x])) $ (<* lookingAt eol)
$ many' (map (Left . fromString) (many1' (noneOf ['{','\n'] <+?
(fill '{' $ single '{' <* lookingAt (noneOf ['{']))))
<+? map Right (between "{{" "}}"
(many1' (noneOf ['}'] <+? fill '}' (single '}' <* lookingAt (noneOf ['}'])))
<&> \x -> (fromString x,wrapResult False (stringWords (fromString x))))))
<&> \x -> (fromString x,wrapResult False (stringWords (fromString x)+["mustache."])))))

data COCState str = COCState {
_endState :: Bool,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ type COCDict io str = Map str (StackVal str (COCBuiltin io str) (COCValue io str

cocDict :: forall io str. IsCapriconString str => str -> (str -> io (Maybe str)) -> (str -> io (Maybe [Word8])) -> (str -> str -> io ()) -> (str -> [Word8] -> io ()) -> COCDict io str
cocDict version getResource getBResource writeResource writeBResource =
mkDict ((".",StackProg []):("version",StackSymbol version):
mkDict ((".",StackProg []):("steps.",StackProg []):("mustache.",StackProg []):("version",StackSymbol version):
[(x,StackBuiltin b) | (x,b) <- [
("def" , Builtin_Def ),
("$" , Builtin_DeRef ),
Expand Down
47 changes: 35 additions & 12 deletions capricon/src/Data/CaPriCon.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Data.CaPriCon(
-- * Expression nodes
-- ** Managing De Bruijin indices
-- ** General term substitution and type inference
-- ** Expression directories
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,6 +196,14 @@ free_vars (Cons a) = freeA a
where envS = length env
free_vars _ = zero

is_free_in :: Int -> Node str -> Bool
is_free_in = map2 not go
where go v (Bind _ _ t e) = go v t && go (v+1) e
go v (Cons a) = go_a v a
go _ (Universe _) = True
go_a v (Ap (Sym v') subs) = v/=v' && all (go v) subs
go_a v (Ap (Mu env _ a) subs) = go_a (v+length env) a && all (go v) subs

subst :: (IsCapriconString str, MonadReader (Env str) m) => Node str -> Node str -> m (Node str)
subst = flip substn 0
substn :: (IsCapriconString str, MonadReader (Env str) m) => Node str -> Int -> Node str -> m (Node str)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,20 +260,14 @@ freshContext = go []
showNode = showNode' zero
showNode' :: IsCapriconString str => NodeDir str ([str],StringPattern str) -> [(str,Node str)] -> Node str -> str
showNode' dir = go 0
where go d env x | (pats,(_,k)):_ <- findPattern dir x =
let holes = c'map $ fromAList [(i,(env',hole)) | (env',i,hole) <- pats] in
par (if empty pats then 1000 else 1 :: Int) d $ intercalate (fromString " ") [
case word of
Left w -> w
Right i | Just (env',hole) <- lookup i holes -> go 2 (env'+env) hole
| otherwise -> zero
| word <- k]
where go d env x | Just ret <- toPat d env x = ret
go _ _ (Universe u) = "Set"+fromString (show u)
go d env whole@(Bind t aname atype body) | t == Lambda || 0`isKeyIn`free_vars body = par 0 d $ bind_head t + drop 1 (bind_tail env whole)
go d env whole@(Bind t aname atype body) | t == Lambda || 0`is_free_in`body = par 0 d $ bind_head t + drop 1 (bind_tail env whole)
| otherwise = par 0 d $ go 1 env atype + fromString " -> " + go 0 ((aname,atype):env) body
where bind_head Lambda = "λ"
bind_head Prod = ""
bind_tail env' (Bind t' x tx e) | t==t' && (t==Lambda || 0`isKeyIn`free_vars e) = fromString " ("+x'+fromString ":"+go 0 env' tx+fromString ")"+bind_tail ((x',tx):env') e
bind_tail env' x | Just ret <- toPat 0 (env'+env) x = ", "+ret
bind_tail env' (Bind t' x tx e) | t==t' && (t==Lambda || 0`is_free_in`e) = fromString " ("+x'+fromString ":"+go 0 env' tx+fromString ")"+bind_tail ((x',tx):env') e
where x' = fresh (map fst env') x
bind_tail env' x = ", "+go 0 env' x
go d env (Cons a) = showA d a
Expand All @@ -278,6 +280,27 @@ showNode' dir = go 0
lvl = if empty xs then 1000 else 1
in par lvl d $ ni+foldMap ((" "+) . go 2 env) xs

toPat d env x
| (pats,(_,k)):_ <- findPattern dir x =
let holes = c'map $ fromAList [(i,(env',hole)) | (env',i,hole) <- pats] in
Just $ par (if empty pats then 1000 else 1 :: Int) d $ intercalate (fromString " ")
[case word of
Left w -> w
Right i | Just (env',hole) <- lookup i holes ->
go 2 env $
let (hole',env'') =
fix (\kj -> \case
(Cons (Ap h t@(_:_)),_:env0)
| Cons (Ap (Sym 0) []) <- debug $ last t
, not (is_free_in 0 (Cons (Ap h (init t))))
-> kj (inc_depth (-1) (Cons (Ap h (init t))),env0)
(Cons (Ap (Sym j') []),_:env0) | j'>0 -> kj (Cons (Ap (Sym (j'-1)) []),env0)
e -> e) (hole,env')
in foldl' (\e (n,t) -> Bind Lambda n t e) hole' env''
| otherwise -> zero
| word <- k]
| otherwise = Nothing

type_of :: (IsCapriconString str,MonadReader (Env str) m) => Node str -> m (Maybe (Node str))
type_of = yb maybeT . go
where go (Bind Lambda x tx e) = Bind Prod x tx <$> local (tx:) (go e)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -332,7 +355,7 @@ mu_type (inc_depth 1 -> root_type) = yb maybeT $ go 0 root_type
go_col' d' recs (Bind Prod x tx e) = Bind Prod x tx <$> local (tx:) (go_col' (d'+1) (map (+1) recs) e)
go_col' d' recs (Cons (Ap (Sym i) xs))
| constr_ind d d' i = do
let args = select (not . (`isKeyIn`recs)) [0..d'-1]
let args = reverse $ select (not . (`isKeyIn`recs)) [0..d'-1]
lastE = bind Lambda (adjust_telescope_depth second (+(d+d')) root_args)
(Cons (Ap (Sym (nargs-d-1))
[Cons (Ap (Sym (j'+nargs)) args')
Expand Down

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