This bundle helps connecting to an existing LDAP server.
Add the dependency to your composer.json
file :
"lilweb/ldap-bundle" : "0.1.0"
Add the bundle to AppKernel.php
new Lilweb\LdapBundle\LilwebLdapBundle(),
Add the following to your config.yml file :
host: %ldap_client_host%
port: %ldap_client_port%
username: %ldap_client_username%
password: %ldap_client_password%
version: %ldap_client_version%
A new service called lilweb.ldap_connection
is now available in your container.
Example :
$entries = $this
'base_dn' => $this->params['base_dn'],
'filter' => sprintf('(&%s(%s=%s))', $filter, $this->params['name_attribute'], $this->ldapConnection->escape($username))
- The connection is not made until a method on the connection is called.
- This bundle requires the PHP-ldap extension