Filtering plenary.nvim tests. Run ONLY
the tests you want.
The project is still in development and can change.
It's easy to run isolated tests in the current open buffer/file:
- per tags
- where the current cursor is located
use { "lima1909/only.nvim", requires = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" }, }
{ "lima1909/only.nvim", dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" }, },
User command | Description |
:OnlyBustedFile tags [your tags] |
run all tests, which contains one of the tags in the description |
:OnlyBustedFile at_cursor |
run all tests, which the cursor contains |
Command: :OnlyBustedFile tags thisone,other
describe("my group", function()
it("first test, thisone", function() end)
it("second test", function() end)
it("third testi, other", function() end)
Runs first and third test.