Open Energy Dashboard is a user-friendly way to display energy information from smart energy meters. It is available to anyone and is optimized for non-technical users with a simple interface that provides access to your organization's energy data. To learn more, see our website.
Open Energy Dashboard is available under the Mozilla Public Licence v2, and contributions, in the form of bug reports, feature requests, and code contributions, are welcome.
Plotly.js - JavaScript library used to generate data charts (
PostgreSQL - Database management system (
Node.js - JavaScript runtime environment (
and lots of other software/packages.
This application has been developed by many volunteer developers (mostly students) and is an independent open source project.
For a list of contributors, click here
This project is licensed under the MPL version 2.0.
See the full licensing agreement here
We welcome others to contribute to this project by writing code for submission or collaborating with us. Before contributing, please sign our Contributor License Agreement. Web pages with information for developers is available. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to at
To contact us, send an email to or open an issue on GitHub.