Help you automatically hack in Educational Round and Div 3
You could download pre-compile executable files directly at here
You could also download source files and use make
to compile
You need to set up config.json
Here is an example
"target" : {
"contest" : 1176, // The contest ID you want to hack
"index" : "B" // The problem index you want to hack
"testcase" : {
"inputFile" : "./", // Input testcase filepath
"outputFile" : "./data.ans" // Output testcase filepath
"account" : {
"username" : "user", // Your Codeforces account username (Optional)
"password" : "pass" // Your Codeforces account Password (Optional)
"settings": {
"autoLogin" : true, // Login your account automatically (need to fill in the account info)
"autoHack" : true, // Hacked automatically (need check on autoLogin)