Release v4.2.0
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
4.2.0 (2025-01-08)
- add path for gitea (#1835) (6e62d6a)
- add prometheus rule to validate db backup executions (#1866) (5586cd9)
- add prometheus rules for cnpg backups (#1837) (99e9e20)
- add resource configuration for apps to teams (#1819) (64a51c3)
- lower database memory footprint (#1856) (8dfe18b)
- cnpg upgrade fix (#1871) (faa8ac8)
- lower pipeline and db footprint (#1873) (3b76352)
- node 20 upgrade (#1797) (69d7364)
- patch argocd resources when oomkilled (#1814) (99553f3)
- removed uneeded tag (#1811) (8cc8441)
- render only relevant values for team-ns helm chart (#1872) (37bdd3c)
- update helm secrets (#1839) (6ea07ae)
- updated cloud-tty tools [TTY][MINOR] (#1815) (26f388e)
- updated release tag generation (#1816) (ea936d6)
- upgrade Trivy Operator to support k8s version 1.31 (#1845) (e78fdb8)
- upgrading cnpg chart and postgresql version (#1784) (2e355c5)
Bug Fixes
- git url encoding in otomi-tasks (#1808) (74a1705)
- apl-tools patch image generation (#1824) (662db99)
- broken builds in the input files (#1838) (de56ccb)
- CNPG object storage endpint URL (#1812) (3b79846)
- ensure correct working directory and increase retry timeout (#1882) (4ab74e0)
- install minio based on enabled (#1847) (f99e49f)
- reference to team network policies (#1888) (1467a61)
- removed external-secrets charts from chart-index (#1864) (8a20b29)
- removed repoUrl variable from error message (#1885) (1f64773)
- resource check for argocd controller (#1836) (a02a5b8)
- skip assignment of team-admin to argocd admin roles (#1818) (39a53f9)
- update values schema to adhere k8s naming (#1850) (8e8e21d)
- add dependabot (#1807) (497c66d)
- github-actions update (#1825) (e0bc42e)
- dependabot ignore >=21 node (#1823) (d921978)
- add script to check for helm chart updates (#1827) (d77351d)
- update chart version index for a single chart (#1867) (d636aba)
- deps: bump ncipollo/release-action from 1.12.0 to 1.14.0 (#1821) (4aa18e6)
- deps: bump linode/apl-tools from v2.8.2 to v2.8.5 (#1820) (82e3716)
- update api v3.4.0 (#1826) (be6aa6e)
- update console (#1886) (1ce8700)
4.1.0 (2024-11-12)
- added cors for ouath2-proxy ingress (#1799) (d0ee298)
- added policy setting to external-dns values (#1793) (d6d9741)
- adjust retry factor to 1 and 30 retries of 1 minute (#1801) (70099bc)
- object storage wizard (#1790) (4d28234)
- set datasource for trivy dashboard to default (#1796) (cd52cc0)
- update tools version (#1794) (718719b)
Bug Fixes
- change default falco driver (#1795) (5fc6f14)
- datasource for team and platform Grafana dashboards (#1785) (6782421)
- falco team grafana falco dashboard datasource (#1806) (378903f)
- rename application to app (#1804) (9d886eb)
- update packages and docker image [TOOLS][MINOR] (#1788) (1ab0fca)
- versions (#1802) (8dca419)
4.0.0 (2024-11-01)
- add init container for oauth2 proxy (#1779) (e3886cc)
- add thanos for prom HA (#1729) (6dd3ad7)
- add support for externally-managed-tls-secret (#1746) (f72ff6c)
- remove gatekeeper (#1737) (fe9f06f)
- upgrade tools versions (#1743) (d7918dc)
- upgrade ingress apps (#1761) (990d3a1)
- implement argocd applicaiton removal (#1727) (bb4a757)
- chart index (#1759) (f29e5bf)
- add configurable core apps resources and scaling optimization (#1754) (938ac7d)
- default platform admin user (#1770) (7f1f6d3)
- gitea backup to object storage (#1723) (d2d3064)
- implement age values encryption (#1709) (20ced03)
- improve installer job feedback (#1755) (d3e0783)
- add ispreinstalled flag (#1760) (e498b48)
- support k8s 1.31 upgrade (#1742) (c298d8d)
- add oauth2-proxy custom error page (#1758) (fef95dd)
- implement single prometheus for the whole platform (#1724) (79d84e2)
- remove optional private grafana (#1783) (9cc2b7e)
- upgrade apl-tools [TOOLS][MINOR] (#1735) (dbfc089)
- upgrade Istio Knative and Kiali (#1736) (600f584)
- upgrade kube-prometheus-stack (#1764) (4ce16ea)
- user management (#1740) (9eedbab)
Bug Fixes
- apl helm chart helpers(#1734) (a2460b9)
- Apl 307 apl-charts repo creation (#1774) (73aac2f)
- argocd queue processors and controller resource defaults (#1782) (ca5447a)
- byo certificate name (#1781) (92cc4fc)
- default cpu requests (#1741) (2cd44b4)
- default resource config (#1726) (5396b10)
- default resource config (#1747) (361e3d8)
- determine exact k8s version step (#1728) (f7f5271)
- get kms values & age key generation order (#1768) (570061d)
- helm notes (#1731) (f416c63)
- increase trivy limits in Harbor (#1777) (738a5d3)
- keycloak login page tag (#1778) (e85ff2c)
- knative domain-template (#1738) (5145a05)
- quote team password (#1765) (2401eac)
- remove additional cluster logic (#1787) (5e133c1)
- remove duplicate imagePullPolicy (#1752) (3c393d4)
- remove install instructions in README (#1771) (26f2c9a)
- remove upgrade script (#1786) (c50ba52)
- resource defaults (#1732) (6783cbb)
- Revert "fix: default resource config (#1747)" (#1750) (5b1d52f)
- set versions to main (#1730) (3c89f34)
- Trivy indent and capabilities (#1780) (04a2511)
- updated gh-actions, added no-apl (#1772) (af37325)
- upgrade Grafana stack (#1766) (3a75202)
- upgrade istio to 1.22.5 (#1769) (94fdabd)
- use platform-admin group instead of team-admin (#1762) (fdbd80d)
- values changes for istio resources (#1745) (603b281)
- versions (#1725) (460276e)
- versions (#1749) (4ad18c0)
- Integration test domains (#1763) (b64c334)
- versions (#1775) (0980afb)
- versions (#1791) (cd68c48)
- github actions update to support valid dns by default (#1748) (73ed921)
3.0.0 (2024-09-19)
Bug Fixes
3.0.0-rc.1 (2024-09-19)
- add endpoint with values-schema (#1692) (65a00cb)
- added keycloak operator (#1625) (d8648fd)
- added linode as a deploy option (#1622) (7993122)
- apl operators cleanup (#1648) (9cd8b83)
- apl-console linode dockerhub (#1675) (1cd5dac)
- bootstrap default values (#1659) (cf1bf3c)
- console prefix (#1634) (ba34f5d)
- core apps that are always enabled (#1670) (174bf3f)
- decouple Gitea from community helm chart (#1595) (6e3178a)
- deploy core apps via argocd (#1630) (98ee9af)
- disabled release test and notification job for 3.0.0 rc (e97af7f)
- empty rawValues in defaults (#1671) (d43ac21)
- fix argocd out of sync issues (#1711) (c76c31b)
- gitea app operator (#1624) (89e03c5)
- harbor app operator (#1628) (43a050e)
- improve query_limits configuration for loki (#1612) (5e6d3db)
- improve robustness of initial install (#1623) (48730d9)
- increase resource limits for prometheus workloads (#1631) (5b0c2a2)
- kyverno policies (#1462) (07636a5)
- linode dockerhub apl-api (#1676) (5560608)
- linode dockerhub apl-tasks (#1677) (015f8f8)
- linode dockerhub apl-tty (#1679) (71c5ecc)
- make compatible with k8s 1.29 (#1619) (8f911d6)
- make compatible with k8s 1.30 [TOOLS][MINOR] (#1687) (7600d78)
- one backend obj for all apps (#1640) (b759896)
- only deploy gitops essential apps on initial install (#1690) (890b7f3)
- remove shortcuts (#1637) (096d9a1)
- remove team jobs (#1665) (142837d)
- remove wait-for job (#1702) (1fc5153)
- removed digitalocean deploy (#1615) (5776bc6)
- removing hashicorp vault and external-secrets (#1618) (dbca465)
- run test not in docker by default (#1606) [TOOLS][MAJOR] (a94b854)
- serve values-schema to api endpoint (#1678) (9401913)
- support for Akamai EdgeDNS (#1708) (12c11dd)
- updating tasks version (#1611) (04d5dac)
- use linode dockerhub for apl-core and apl-tools (#1686) (d979b43)
Bug Fixes
- add apl-keycloak-operator namespace (#1645) (57e23fd)
- add metricsgenerator resources to schema (#1592) (2f83b72)
- add missing if check in otomi tools image build (#1621) (7cbb16c)
- add trusted root certificates to images (#1620) (4dbb03e)
- added missing env variables to the chart-release job (31a3743)
- added the GHA workspace as a safe dir for git (cabdd65)
- announcement (f1dbac1)
- announcement [ci skip] (1f734ed)
- announcement akamai [ci skip] (29e7d51)
- apl deployment via GH actions (#1643) (aad6d71)
- apl keycloak operator tls (#1646) (7ef335d)
- apl readme rebranding (#1642) (fb16dcb)
- apl-146: validate-templates (#1672) (df5d907)
- argocd defaults (#1663) (c96cd83)
- argocd defaults (#1666) (011653d)
- argocd hpa defaults (#1681) (582999c)
- bucket only linode (#1703) (6ace30c)
- change repo url for catalog charts (#1635) (1a1f632)
- clone repo in pipeline (#1699) (329bace)
- cnpg linode obj location for gitea and keycloak (#1674) (183a8b1)
- defaults for linode webhook and tempo app (#1718) (d012094)
- don't exclude pipelinerun in argocd (#1656) (15bbc76)
- enable argo metrics (#1694) (d49c16c)
- enable workflow dispatch for otomi tools build (#1603) (7856756)
- errors in otomi-db chart (#1627) (8c8bbda)
- ex dns resources and dns apiToken Linode (#1719) (233e73e)
- falco custom rules (#1715) (c197173)
- git protocol (#1700) (632c127)
- gitea enabled flag (#1657) (feb7c65)
- gitea oauth configuration (#1673) (ecfb07a)
- handle version prefix in tools version increment script [TOOLS][MAJOR] (#1616) (5eda777)
- ignores in team trivy dashboard (#1713) (5b7bbc2)
- increase mem limits of apl-gitea operator (#1721) (5511bf4)
- keycloak login page and logout link (#1644) (d2b9e49)
- keycloak tab name (#1720) (776b94e)
- locations in schedule (#1717) (ec0e7de)
- loki auth for multi-tenancy (#1662) (abb6c81)
- loki storage config without OBJ (#1680) (5c2b76d)
- migrate cnpg storage property (#1688) (38c8cf9)
- missing cluster.yaml file (#1668) (909ddc1)
- missing env vars in release worklfow (8d594d4)
- move hardcoded certificates to the derived templates (#1667) (e9cf4ab)
- nginx defaults (#1693) (5c1097d)
- oauth2-proxy dns config go template (#1655) (dc07e16)
- readme docs link (#1697) (816c9f1)
- remove aws specif charts (#1638) (90832ce)
- remove providers ingress (#1651) (b435c57)
- rename docs links to new domain (#1698) (3539829)
- rm azure monitor (#1584) (056a3cc)
- rm civo (#1705) (9af2bc6)
- rm cloud storage and configure the storage class per app (#1636) (5be31fd)
- rm hasCloudLB flag (#1591) (7c2a833)
- rm home alerts (#1706) (318b386)
- rm opencost (#1585) (e9a8b4a)
- rm private ingress (#1712) (1d475d3)
- rm thanos (#1589) (6c0adc3)
- set defaults for apps (#1710) (00a9d35)
- set falco default driver (#1714) (8c421ed)
- set linode as default for otomi deploy (#1633) (cfaad40)
- set workflow input to 1.29 (#1695) (60e429d)
- sni hosts (#1658) (1642303)
- tagline [ci skip] (5675458)
- tekton pipelines rerun (#1594) (8847396)
- trivy resource defaults (#1682) (c74deb3)
- update dns ttl for linode dns provider (#1654) (73f5545)
- values changes (#1652) (6bedd2a)
- velero storage backup location (#1716) (643a4bd)
- versions.yaml (#1684) (4257b36)
- wrong indenting in otomi-db chart (#1626) (34a6608)
- add renovate github action (d6954f1)
- change bot user (bfe3510)
- disable velero for full install profile (#1685) (9bf5ed3)
- remove marketplace integrations (#1602) (c82b047)
- rename chart (#1641) (c1d9134)
- bootstrap values as part of test suite (#1669) (6d5ad13)
- improve the script (#1683) (ebf7635)
- manifest compare utilities (#1664) (3fc50c5)
- semver compare for rc releases (#1704) (8cdab4f)
- apl-core transfer (#1639) (22eef0f)
- apl-task version (#1647) (c317521)
- apl-tasks version (#1707) (612c9e5)
- bump tools version in otomi core image (#1617) (f365a75)
- release: 3.0.0-rc.0 (f5da461)
3.0.0-rc.0 (2024-09-18)
- add endpoint with values-schema (#1692) (65a00cb)
- added keycloak operator (#1625) (d8648fd)
- added linode as a deploy option (#1622) (7993122)
- apl operators cleanup (#1648) (9cd8b83)
- apl-console linode dockerhub (#1675) (1cd5dac)
- bootstrap default values (#1659) (cf1bf3c)
- console prefix (#1634) (ba34f5d)
- core apps that are always enabled (#1670) (174bf3f)
- decouple Gitea from community helm chart (#1595) (6e3178a)
- deploy core apps via argocd (#1630) (98ee9af)
- empty rawValues in defaults (#1671) (d43ac21)
- fix argocd out of sync issues (#1711) (c76c31b)
- gitea app operator (#1624) (89e03c5)
- harbor app operator (#1628) (43a050e)
- improve query_limits configuration for loki (#1612) (5e6d3db)
- improve robustness of initial install (#1623) (48730d9)
- increase resource limits for prometheus workloads (#1631) (5b0c2a2)
- kyverno policies (#1462) (07636a5)
- linode dockerhub apl-api (#1676) (5560608)
- linode dockerhub apl-tasks (#1677) (015f8f8)
- linode dockerhub apl-tty (#1679) (71c5ecc)
- make compatible with k8s 1.29 (#1619) (8f911d6)
- make compatible with k8s 1.30 [TOOLS][MINOR] (#1687) (7600d78)
- one backend obj for all apps (#1640) (b759896)
- only deploy gitops essential apps on initial install (#1690) (890b7f3)
- remove shortcuts (#1637) (096d9a1)
- remove team jobs (#1665) (142837d)
- remove wait-for job (#1702) (1fc5153)
- removed digitalocean deploy (#1615) (5776bc6)
- removing hashicorp vault and external-secrets (#1618) (dbca465)
- run test not in docker by default (#1606) [TOOLS][MAJOR] (a94b854)
- serve values-schema to api endpoint (#1678) (9401913)
- support for Akamai EdgeDNS (#1708) (12c11dd)
- updating tasks version (#1611) (04d5dac)
- use linode dockerhub for apl-core and apl-tools (#1686) (d979b43)
Bug Fixes
- add apl-keycloak-operator namespace (#1645) (57e23fd)
- add metricsgenerator resources to schema (#1592) (2f83b72)
- add missing if check in otomi tools image build (#1621) (7cbb16c)
- add trusted root certificates to images (#1620) (4dbb03e)
- announcement (f1dbac1)
- announcement [ci skip] (1f734ed)
- announcement akamai [ci skip] (29e7d51)
- apl deployment via GH actions (#1643) (aad6d71)
- apl keycloak operator tls (#1646) (7ef335d)
- apl readme rebranding (#1642) (fb16dcb)
- apl-146: validate-templates (#1672) (df5d907)
- argocd defaults (#1663) (c96cd83)
- argocd defaults (#1666) (011653d)
- argocd hpa defaults (#1681) (582999c)
- bucket only linode (#1703) (6ace30c)
- change repo url for catalog charts (#1635) (1a1f632)
- clone repo in pipeline (#1699) (329bace)
- cnpg linode obj location for gitea and keycloak (#1674) (183a8b1)
- defaults for linode webhook and tempo app (#1718) (d012094)
- don't exclude pipelinerun in argocd (#1656) (15bbc76)
- enable argo metrics (#1694) (d49c16c)
- enable workflow dispatch for otomi tools build (#1603) (7856756)
- errors in otomi-db chart (#1627) (8c8bbda)
- ex dns resources and dns apiToken Linode (#1719) (233e73e)
- falco custom rules (#1715) (c197173)
- git protocol (#1700) (632c127)
- gitea enabled flag (#1657) (feb7c65)
- gitea oauth configuration (#1673) (ecfb07a)
- handle version prefix in tools version increment script [TOOLS][MAJOR] (#1616) (5eda777)
- ignores in team trivy dashboard (#1713) (5b7bbc2)
- increase mem limits of apl-gitea operator (#1721) (5511bf4)
- keycloak login page and logout link (#1644) (d2b9e49)
- keycloak tab name (#1720) (776b94e)
- locations in schedule (#1717) (ec0e7de)
- loki auth for multi-tenancy (#1662) (abb6c81)
- loki storage config without OBJ (#1680) (5c2b76d)
- migrate cnpg storage property (#1688) (38c8cf9)
- missing cluster.yaml file (#1668) (909ddc1)
- move hardcoded certificates to the derived templates (#1667) (e9cf4ab)
- nginx defaults (#1693) (5c1097d)
- oauth2-proxy dns config go template (#1655) (dc07e16)
- readme docs link (#1697) (816c9f1)
- remove aws specif charts (#1638) (90832ce)
- remove providers ingress (#1651) (b435c57)
- rename docs links to new domain (#1698) (3539829)
- rm azure monitor (#1584) (056a3cc)
- rm civo (#1705) (9af2bc6)
- rm cloud storage and configure the storage class per app (#1636) (5be31fd)
- rm hasCloudLB flag (#1591) (7c2a833)
- rm home alerts (#1706) (318b386)
- rm opencost (#1585) (e9a8b4a)
- rm private ingress (#1712) (1d475d3)
- rm thanos (#1589) (6c0adc3)
- set defaults for apps (#1710) (00a9d35)
- set falco default driver (#1714) (8c421ed)
- set linode as default for otomi deploy (#1633) (cfaad40)
- set workflow input to 1.29 (#1695) (60e429d)
- sni hosts (#1658) (1642303)
- tagline [ci skip] (5675458)
- tekton pipelines rerun (#1594) (8847396)
- trivy resource defaults (#1682) (c74deb3)
- update dns ttl for linode dns provider (#1654) (73f5545)
- values changes (#1652) (6bedd2a)
- velero storage backup location (#1716) (643a4bd)
- versions.yaml (#1684) (4257b36)
- wrong indenting in otomi-db chart (#1626) (34a6608)
- add renovate github action (d6954f1)
- change bot user (bfe3510)
- disable velero for full install profile (#1685) (9bf5ed3)
- remove marketplace integrations (#1602) (c82b047)
- rename chart (#1641) (c1d9134)
- apl-core transfer (#1639) (22eef0f)
- apl-task version (#1647) (c317521)
- apl-tasks version (#1707) (612c9e5)
- bump tools version in otomi core image (#1617) (f365a75)
- bootstrap values as part of test suite (#1669) (6d5ad13)
- improve the script (#1683) (ebf7635)
- manifest compare utilities (#1664) (3fc50c5)
- semver compare for rc releases (#1704) (8cdab4f)
2.11.0 (2024-04-19)
- disable policy check for velero so restic can access hostpath (#1581) (796c5ed)
- schema for harbor databases (#1587) (6054f4c)
- improve upgrade scripts (#1571) (bbfd883)
- upgrade istio to 1.20 (#1590) (337a405)
Bug Fixes
- argocd resource configuration (#1580) (cd9c84f)
- remove OLM and argocd-operator related resources (#1586) (b17113b)
- removed unused gitlab app (#1583) (bd167a9)
2.10.0 (2024-04-05)
- adjustments to Grafana team permissions (#1563) (3d16c1d)
- argocd deployed as chart (#1568) (c98f7fe)
- make netpols independent of Services (#1503) (69b7bbe)
- remove deprecated storage option for loki and GCS (#1556) (d0738e6)
Bug Fixes
- added runAsUser parameter for velero's node-agent (#1566) (0e6d021)
- metrics server extra args (#1570) (758daae)
- opencost gcp schema property is a secret (#1542) (c8b5c36)
- removed networkpolicy (#1567) (a50ad47)
- removed service account from values changes (#1565) (efcc095)
- install dependencies (#1560) (c6da7ac)
- semver compatible chart version for devs (#1559) (e9bf224)
- versions (1ba02ce)
2.9.0 (2024-03-14)
- add support for k8s 1.28 (#1546) (a84665b)
- always enable argocd app (#1555) (71a3e67)
- continue installation if the cluster validation cannnot be perf… (#1538) (41513c3)
- update velero cli (#1544) (7c9c3ce)
- whitelist all ingress traffic if team network policies are disa… (#1540) (6b4d70d)
Bug Fixes
- exclude argocd namespace from podAffinity mutation (#1547) (8a15029)
- update paketo builder image (#1548) (bb9b50d)
What's Changed
- fix: APL-356 git url encoding in otomi-tasks by @Ani1357 in #1808
- feat: removed uneeded tag by @Ani1357 in #1811
- feat: APL-372 updated cnpg endpointurl by @Ani1357 in #1812
- feat: node 20 upgrade by @CasLubbers in #1797
- feat: patch argocd resources when oomkilled by @CasLubbers in #1814
- fix: skip assignment of team-admin to argocd admin roles by @merll in #1818
- chore: versions by @j-zimnowoda in #1817
- feat: updated release tag generation by @Ani1357 in #1816
- feat: updated cloud-tty tools [TTY][MINOR] by @Ani1357 in #1815
- feat: add dependabot by @CasLubbers in #1807
- feat: add resource configuration for apps to teams by @CasLubbers in #1819
- fix: dependabot ignore >=21 node by @CasLubbers in #1823
- chore(): update api v3.4.0 by @CasLubbers in #1826
- feat: fixed apl-tools patch image generation by @Ani1357 in #1824
- fix: github-actions update by @Ani1357 in #1825
- chore(deps): bump linode/apl-tools from v2.8.2 to v2.8.5 by @dependabot in #1820
- chore(deps): bump ncipollo/release-action from 1.12.0 to 1.14.0 by @dependabot in #1821
- feat: add path for gitea by @CasLubbers in #1835
- fix: broken builds in the input files by @CasLubbers in #1838
- fix: resource check for argocd controller by @CasLubbers in #1836
- fix: install minio based on enabled by @srodenhuis in #1847
- ci: add script to check for helm chart updates by @j-zimnowoda in #1827
- fix: update values schema to adhere k8s naming by @CasLubbers in #1850
- feat: update helm secrets by @CasLubbers in #1839
- feat: add prometheus rules for cnpg backups by @srodenhuis in #1837
- fix: removed external-secrets charts from chart-index by @Ani1357 in #1864
- ci: update chart version index for a single chart by @j-zimnowoda in #1867
- feat: APL-281 lower database memory footprint by @Ani1357 in #1856
- feat: APL-282 upgrading cnpg chart and postgresql version by @Ani1357 in #1784
- feat: cnpg upgrade fix by @Ani1357 in #1871
- fix: rule expr for db backup prom rules by @srodenhuis in #1866
- feat: lower pipeline and db footprint by @Ani1357 in #1873
- fix: upgrade Trivy Operator to support k8s version 1.31 by @srodenhuis in #1845
- chore: versions by @j-zimnowoda in #1879
- feat: render only relevant values for team-ns helm chart by @j-zimnowoda in #1872
- fix: ensure rootDir and increase retry timeout by @j-zimnowoda in #1882
- fix: removed repoUrl variable from error message by @Ani1357 in #1885
- test: set the isPreinstalled flag by @j-zimnowoda in #1887
- chore: update console by @j-zimnowoda in #1886
- fix: reference to team network policies by @merll in #1888
Full Changelog: v4.1.0...v4.2.0