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Routing Client Dart Package


Package for osm routing client api

for now this package support only server based on osrm-backend

client api support

  • OSRM Client Api
    • route service
    • trip service


Add the following to your pubspec.yaml file:

  routing_client_dart: ^0.5.3

example for route service

List<LngLat> waypoints = [
      LngLat(lng: 13.388860, lat: 52.517037),
      LngLat(lng: 13.397634, lat: 52.529407),
      LngLat(lng: 13.428555, lat: 52.523219),
    final manager = OSRMManager();
    final road = await manager.getRoad(
      waypoints: waypoints,
      geometries: Geometries.polyline,
      steps: true,
      languageCode: "en",

example for trip service

List<LngLat> waypoints = [
      LngLat(lng: 13.388860, lat: 52.517037),
      LngLat(lng: 13.397634, lat: 52.529407),
      LngLat(lng: 13.428555, lat: 52.523219),
    final manager = OSRMManager();
    final road = await manager.getTrip(
      waypoints: waypoints,
      source: SourceGeoPointOption.first,
      destination: DestinationGeoPointOption.last,
      geometries: Geometries.polyline,
      steps: true,
      languageCode: "en",

build instruction from road

    final instructions = await manager.buildInstructions(road);

example for check Location in Road

final currentLocation = LngLat.fromList(lnglat: [13.389147, 52.527549]);
    final isOnPath =
await roadManager.isOnPath(road, currentLocation, tolerance: 5);

Example to get next navigation instruction of current Location

final currentLocation = LngLat.fromList(lnglat: [13.389147, 52.527549]);
    final isOnPath =
final instruction = await roadManager.nextInstruction(instructions, road, currentLocation, tolerance: 5);

Warning the precision of LngLat should be 5 if the road contain polylineEncoded, or the same precies as LngLat in polylines

Note you can get some inaccurate information nextInstruction,for that we will be happy for yours contributions