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Liquid Light Deployer

This package is used by Liquid Light to deploy TYPO3 websites via CI - specifically Gitlab.

It is best used within Gitlab CI as it can utilise several environment variables.

The basis for this is PHP Deployer, however a lot of functionality comes from deployer-extended-typo3 and it's many meta-packages.


There are several settings defined by default within this package for the most common hosts.


Set the hostname of the server in the deploy.php file - the rest of the connection details should be in your .ssh/config file

  ->set('hostname', '')

Existing Hosts

The following hosts have a config file in the deployer/hosts file with some sensible defaults

  • production
  • staging
  • local

Set environment

It is advised you set an environment for extra config to be applied. This is set on the host() to allow for different envs for different hosts

  ->set('ll_deployer_environment', 'cpanel')


  • vps - for a fully self-managed debian based vps
  • cpanel - for a site running with cPanel

Assets upload

This package will upload html/assets if there as well as app/*/Resources/Public, but if you want others that are built then you need to specify them as an array. This can be set globally or on a host by host basis



.env file upload

You can add the contents of your .env file as a CI/CD variable (ensure "file" is selected in the drop down) and set it as DEPLOY_DOTENV_[ENVIRONMEENT NAME]. This then needs to be set to an environment variable in your .gitlab-ci.yaml of DEPLOY_DOTENV to be deployed.


Clearing OPCache

If the server has OPCache installed, it will need to be cleared on each deployment to allow PHP and Apache to see the new symlinks.

To do this, you need to declare an array in public_urls in the deploy file, along with adding the cache:clear_php_http task for the environment.

  1. Add ->set('public_urls', ['[URL]']) to the production host in deploy.php
  2. Add the cache:clear_php_http task for production instances (example below)
on(select('instance=production'), function ($host) {
	after('cache:clear_php_cli', 'cache:clear_php_http');

Pushing the dastabase

Pushing the database to live is prohibeted, however there are some cases where this needs to be done.

To allow this, add the following to your local deploy.php file

set('db_allow_push_live', true);