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lauriro committed Sep 24, 2024
1 parent d57f904 commit feb459e
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Showing 3 changed files with 118 additions and 137 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/jshint.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"asi": true,
"esversion": 5,
"esversion": 6,
"evil": true,
"globals": {
"Promise": true
Expand Down
251 changes: 116 additions & 135 deletions s3.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,23 @@

var crypto = require("crypto")

module.exports = function S3(opts) {
if (!(this instanceof S3)) return new S3(opts)

var s3 = this
if (!(s3 instanceof S3)) return new S3(opts)
, crypto = require("crypto")
, client = opts.client || require(opts.protocol === "http" ? "http" : "https")
, awsDate = () => new Date().toISOString().replace(/-|:|\.\d*/g, "")
, hash = data => crypto.createHash("sha256").update(data).digest("hex")
, hmac = (key, data) => crypto.createHmac("sha256", key).update(data).digest()
, isFn = fn => typeof fn === "function"
, isObj = obj => !!obj && obj.constructor === Object
, isStream = stream => stream && isFn(stream.pipe)

Object.assign(s3, {
protocol: "https",
region: "auto",
client: require(opts.protocol === "http" ? "http" : "https"),
endpoint: "s3." + opts.region + "",
del: req.bind(s3, "DELETE", null),
get: req.bind(s3, "GET", null),
Expand All @@ -17,155 +26,127 @@ module.exports = function S3(opts) {
next = opts
opts = null
return s3.get("", Object.assign({
return req("GET", null, "", Object.assign({
prefix: path || "",
listType: 2,
maxKeys: 10
}, opts), next)
put: function(path, data, opts, next) {
return, "PUT", data, path, opts, next)
put: (path, data, opts, next) => req("PUT", data, path, opts, next),
sign: function(method, path, opts, contentHash) {
var signed = awsSig(s3, method, path, opts, "X-Amz-", {}, awsDate(), contentHash || "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD")
var signed = awsSig(method, path, opts, "X-Amz-", {}, awsDate(), contentHash || "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD")
signed.url += "&X-Amz-Signature=" + signed.Signature
return signed
stat: req.bind(s3, "HEAD", null),
url: function(path, opts) {
return s3.sign("GET", path, opts).url
url: (path, opts) => s3.sign("GET", path, opts).url
}, opts)

function hash(data) {
return crypto.createHash("sha256").update(data).digest("hex")
function hmac(key, data) {
return crypto.createHmac("sha256", key).update(data).digest()
function awsDate() {
return new Date().toISOString().replace(/-|:|\.\d*/g, "")
function awsSig(s3, method, path, _opts, optsPrefix, headers, longDate, contentHash) {
path = (path || "").replace(/^\/*/, (s3.bucket ? "/" + s3.bucket + "/" : "/")) = s3.endpoint
var ALGO = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256"
, shortDate = longDate.slice(0, 8)
, scope = shortDate + "/" + s3.region + "/s3/aws4_request"
, sortedHeaders = Object.keys(assignDashCase(headers, _opts && _opts.meta, "x-amz-meta-")).sort()
, out = {
Algorithm: ALGO,
Credential: s3.accessId + "/" + scope,
Date: longDate,
Expires: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60,
SignedHeaders: sortedHeaders.join(";").toLowerCase()
, opts = assignDashCase(optsPrefix ? out : {}, _opts, "")
, query = Object.keys(opts).map(queryEnc).sort().join("&") || ""
, canonical = [
query,"\n") + "\n",
function awsSig(method, path, _opts, optsPrefix, headers, longDate, contentHash) {
path = (path || "").replace(/^\/*/, (s3.bucket ? "/" + s3.bucket + "/" : "/")) = s3.endpoint
var ALGO = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256"
, shortDate = longDate.slice(0, 8)
, scope = shortDate + "/" + s3.region + "/s3/aws4_request"
, sortedHeaders = Object.keys(assignDashCase(headers, _opts && _opts.meta, "x-amz-meta-")).sort()
, out = {
Algorithm: ALGO,
Credential: s3.accessId + "/" + scope,
Date: longDate,
Expires: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60,
SignedHeaders: sortedHeaders.join(";").toLowerCase()
, opts = assignDashCase(optsPrefix ? out : {}, _opts, "")
, query = Object.keys(opts).map(
key => optsPrefix + key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(opts[key])
).sort().join("&") || ""
, canonical = [
header => header.toLowerCase() + (":" + headers[header]).replace(/ +/g, " ")
).join("\n") + "\n",

out.Signature = hmac(hmac(hmac(hmac(hmac("AWS4" + s3.secret, shortDate), s3.region), "s3"), "aws4_request"), [
out.url = s3.protocol + "://" + s3.endpoint + path + (query ? "?" + query : "")
out.auth = ALGO + " Credential=" + out.Credential + ", SignedHeaders=" + out.SignedHeaders + ", Signature=" + out.Signature
return out
function assignDashCase(target, source, prefix) {
if (source) Object.keys(source).forEach(function(key) {
var headerName = prefix + (key === "expires" ? "Expires" : key.replace(/\B[A-Z]/g, "-$&").toLowerCase())
if (!isObj(source[key])) target[headerName] = source[key]
return target
function queryEnc(key) {
return optsPrefix + key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(opts[key])
function headerEnc(header) {
return header.toLowerCase() + (":" + headers[header]).replace(/ +/g, " ")
function req(method, data, path, opts, next) {
if (isFn(opts) || isStream(opts)) {
next = opts
opts = null
var s3 = this
, longDate = awsDate()
, contentHash = data && !isStream(data) ? hash(data) : "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD"
, headers = {
"x-amz-date": longDate,
"x-amz-content-sha256": contentHash
if (data && data.length) {
headers["Content-Length"] = data.length
var signed = awsSig(s3, method, path, opts, "", headers, longDate, contentHash)
headers.Authorization = signed.auth
// Add after signature to exclude from signing
if (s3.userAgent) headers["User-Agent"] = s3.userAgent
if (!isFn(next)) return new Promise(makeReq)
makeReq(next.bind(null, null), next)
function makeReq(resolve, reject) {
var req = s3.client.request(signed.url, { method: method, headers: headers }, handle)
if (isStream(data)) data.pipe(req)
else req.end(data)
function handle(res) {
res.on("error", reject)
if (res.statusCode === 200 && isStream(next)) {
return res.on("end", resolve)
var data = ""
res.on("data", function(chunk) {
data += chunk.toString("utf8")
out.Signature = hmac(hmac(hmac(hmac(hmac("AWS4" + s3.secret, shortDate), s3.region), "s3"), "aws4_request"), [
out.url = s3.protocol + "://" + s3.endpoint + path + (query ? "?" + query : "")
out.auth = ALGO + " Credential=" + out.Credential + ", SignedHeaders=" + out.SignedHeaders + ", Signature=" + out.Signature
return out
function assignDashCase(target, source, prefix) {
if (source) Object.keys(source).forEach(key => {
var headerName = prefix + (key === "expires" ? "Expires" : key.replace(/\B[A-Z]/g, "-$&").toLowerCase())
if (!isObj(source[key])) target[headerName] = source[key]
res.on("end", function() {
if (res.statusCode > 299) {
data = method !== "HEAD" && parseXml(data).error || (
path ? "The specified key does not exist." : "The specified bucket is not valid."
return reject(Error(data.message || data))
return target
function req(method, data, path, opts, next) {
if (isFn(opts) || isStream(opts)) {
next = opts
opts = null
var longDate = awsDate()
, contentHash = data && !isStream(data) ? hash(data) : "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD"
, headers = {
"x-amz-date": longDate,
"x-amz-content-sha256": contentHash
if (data && data.length) {
headers["Content-Length"] = data.length
var signed = awsSig(method, path, opts, "", headers, longDate, contentHash)
headers.Authorization = signed.auth
// Add after signature to exclude from signing
if (s3.userAgent) headers["User-Agent"] = s3.userAgent
if (!isFn(next)) return new Promise(makeReq)
makeReq(next.bind(null, null), next)
function makeReq(resolve, reject) {
var req = client.request(signed.url, { method: method, headers: headers }, handle)
if (isStream(data)) data.pipe(req)
else req.end(data)
function handle(res) {
res.on("error", reject)
if (res.statusCode === 200 && isStream(next)) {
return res.on("end", resolve)
data = method === "HEAD" ? Object.assign({
size: +res.headers["content-length"],
mtime: new Date(res.headers["last-modified"]),
}, res.headers) : parseXml(data)
resolve(data.listBucketResult || data.error || data)
var data = ""
res.on("data", chunk => data += chunk)
res.on("end", () => {
if (res.statusCode > 299) {
data = method !== "HEAD" && parseXml(data).error || (
path ? "The specified key does not exist." : "The specified bucket is not valid."
return reject(Error(data.message || data))
data = method === "HEAD" ? Object.assign({
size: +res.headers["content-length"],
mtime: new Date(res.headers["last-modified"]),
}, res.headers) : parseXml(data)
resolve(data.listBucketResult || data.error || data)
function parseXml(str) {
var key, val
, json = {}
, re = /<(\w)([-\w]+)(?:\/|[^>]*>((?:(?!<\1)[\s\S])*)<\/\1\2)>/gm
for (; (val = re.exec(str)); ) {
key = val[1].toLowerCase() + val[2]
val = val[3] != null ? parseXml(val[3]) : true
if (Array.isArray(json[key])) json[key].push(val)
else json[key] = json[key] != null ? [json[key], val] : key === "contents" ? [val] : key === "keyCount" || key === "maxKeys" ? +val : val
function parseXml(str) {
var key, val
, json = {}
, re = /<(\w)([-\w]+)(?:\/|[^>]*>((?:(?!<\1)[\s\S])*)<\/\1\2)>/gm
for (; (val = re.exec(str)); ) {
key = val[1].toLowerCase() + val[2]
val = val[3] != null ? parseXml(val[3]) : true
if (Array.isArray(json[key])) json[key].push(val)
else json[key] = json[key] != null ? [json[key], val] : key === "contents" ? [val] : key === "keyCount" || key === "maxKeys" ? +val : val
return key ? json : str
return key ? json : str
function isFn(fn) {
return typeof fn === "function"
function isObj(obj) {
return !!obj && obj.constructor === Object
function isStream(stream) {
return stream && isFn(stream.pipe)

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/index.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ describe("S3 Mock", function() {

it("should accept {0} protocol", "http,https", function(proto, assert) {
var s3client = new S3({ protocol: proto })
assert.strictEqual(s3client.client, require(proto))
assert.strictEqual(s3client.protocol, proto)

Expand Down

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