To use the code, it's needed to have Ansys APDL installed on the computer.
This code allows the user to communicates with Ansys by the use of his own python code using, the pyAnsys modules.
One of the main goal of this code is launching, storing and analysing parametrical studies.
The code is divided in 3 main modules :
- extract_result_ansys : to extract the results from a solved ansys model
- analyse_result_ansys : to store and analyse the result in adapted classes
- launch_ansys_simulation : to launch a parametric simulation from a template input .mac
Suppose that we have a .mac file working on APDL and we would like to modify it at each step to obtain a parametric study varying some parameters.
First we write a template of the .mac file that we want to modify. Then, we write a model class describing the model, one of her method is writing the .mac file using the template.
Then we set-up the parametric stufy by creating a list of model object containing the variation of the parameters we want. After this, we create the object "Parametric_study" with the list of models, it will generate automatically a list of results computed by Ansys under the "Analyse_result" object form.
Finally you can analyse all the results you want from this "Parametric_study_object".
We gives to examples of parametric study processed using this method, all the steps are described in the 2 files :
- main_disc_analysis
- main_glass_analysis
Also the results of there parametric study are analysed with the aim of computing the added mass of different systems.