My Academic Record is a Multi-Page Full Stack Responsive Web application made entirely from Python🐍. My Academic Record is powerful web based app which serves an important purpose that is storing and tracking your academic performance and history like a digital diary or a log of you academic status. Not just recording it also provides data analytics of your performnace in an Aesthetic and visually pleasing graphs. The entire application is Responsive hence can be accessed in any device ranging from a smartphone to a desktop.
The moto of making this app is i personally feel unanswerable to myself where i'm lacking or whether is there any improvement or consistency in my perfromance compared to the last semester, why care you ask coz these little things matter in the end and we are just too lazy to enter those marks in a physical diary or keep record of them and carry, now..whats the better way of doing it?.. the solution is a web app which can be accessed anywhere on any device any time and there is no question of loosing the log cause eveything is digital as it should be in 21st century.
If you are a new user enter your data or if you're an existing user you can either edit your previously entered data or enter new data.
The Motto behind to not to use a database is to challenge the logical side of me, with a database like sql lite3 things are so easy the entire app can be made in a week with zero scope of errors or crashes with little or no efforts, the real struggle is to create one that requires a database to store or request data without using a database. With no database the work of getting,saving,storing,accessing and requesting data becomes so sensitive and difficult. Why the Struggle you ask..idk...why do people still use vanilla CSS when there are frameworks which make life easier like tailwind css, bootstrap ?! it's just how it is. Somehow after spending close to 20days i finnaly managed to complete it on my own without help of an online tutorial or some sort of resource,I feel glad that there is no streamlit app in the entire internet which is full stack and has accouting system without a CMS(content mangement system) and ORM(Object–relational mapping), "My AcadRec" is a fully functional Dynamic web app which provides content based on the user who logged in, the best thing is that it all does this without frontend-scripting-backend languages support.