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feat: custom A* algorithm
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lorenzobalzani committed Jan 25, 2025
0 parents commit 8fdb8aa
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Showing 8 changed files with 1,406 additions and 0 deletions.
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/lint_and_style.yaml
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@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
name: lint_and_style

branches: [main, master]

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v2
environment-file: env.yml
activate-environment: lint_and_style
auto-activate-base: false
- uses: pre-commit/action@v3.0.1

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: pre-commit
continue-on-error: true
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v2
environment-file: env.yml
activate-environment: lint_and_style
auto-activate-base: false
- uses: pre-commit/action@v3.0.1
extra_args: --hook-stage manual pylint-all --all-files
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions .pre-commit-config.yaml
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@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
- repo:
rev: v4.5.0
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- id: check-yaml
exclude: packaging/.*
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name: pylint
entry: pylint
language: system
types: [python]
- id: pylint
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name: pylint-all
entry: pylint
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types: [python]
"--disable=W2402", # non-ascii-file-name, but Streamlit page names contain emojis
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rev: 7.0.0
- id: flake8
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- repo:
rev: v1.0.7
- id: usort
name: Sort imports with µsort
description: Safe, minimal import sorting
language: python
- python
- pyi
entry: usort format
require_serial: true
74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
# A3I Project - Choreography Planning by Decoupling A* Deterministic Search and Heuristic Computation

## Overview
This project uses advanced techniques to design and evaluate dance choreographies for the NAO robot. By combining heuristic methods, a custom A* search algorithm, and large language model (LLM) evaluations, the system generates creative and engaging robot movements tailored to specific constraints and criteria.

## Features
- **Choreography Evaluation**: Rates choreography based on storytelling, rhythm, movement technique, public involvement, space use, human characterization, and human reproducibility.
- **A* Search Algorithm**: Custom implementation to find the optimal sequence of dance moves while adhering to constraints like duration and mandatory moves.
- **Heuristic Computation**: Combines past scores (g-function) and future estimations (h-function) to guide the search process.
- **Dynamic Scoring**: Allows adjusting weights for different scoring components (e.g., waypoint adherence, duration bonus).

## Components
1. **LLM Scoring Functions**:
- `g_llm`: Evaluates the coolness of a complete dance sequence.
- `h_llm`: Estimates the coolness of potential moves for an incomplete sequence.
2. **Custom A* Implementation**:
- Uses LLM-generated scores to find optimal paths for robot choreography.
- Incorporates dynamic constraint satisfaction.
3. **Scoring Criteria**:
- `gh_weight`: Importance of coolness scores.
- `t_weight`: Importance of adhering to waypoints.
- `db_weight`: Bonus for optimal duration.
- `csc_weight`: Importance of satisfying constraints.

## Input Data
- **Initial State**: Starting position of the robot.
- **Final State**: Target position to complete the choreography.
- **Waypoints**: Intermediate positions the robot must pass through.
- **Mandatory Positions**: Specific moves required in the choreography.
- **Intermediate Positions**: Optional moves for enhanced creativity.
- **Graph**: A connectivity graph representing valid transitions between moves.

## Outputs
- A complete sequence of moves.
- Coolness scores for the choreography.
- Computation cost and number of LLM calls.

## Installation
1. Clone this repository:
git clone
2. Make sure to have conda installed onto your system.
3. Set up the conda environment by launching the script `./` in the terminal.
4. Activate it with `conda activate a3i`.
5. For installing the ipython kernel, please run `python -m ipykernel install --user --name=a3i`.

## Setup
Create a file named `secrets.env` in the root directory of the project and add the following lines:
AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT = <your-deployment-edpoint>
AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY = <your-api-key>
OPENAI_API_VERSION = <your-api-version>
If you prefer to use an LLM other than Azure OpenAI, update the LLM client definitions in the notebook accordingly

## Example Output
Choreography: ['INITIAL_stand_init', 'mandatory_stand', 'diagonal_left', ... 'FINAL_crouch']
Cost: 0.06451€
Number of calls to LLM: 59
Elapsed time: 31.50s

## Contributing
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.

## Authors
- **Davide Bombardi** (<a href=""></a>)
- **Lorenzo Balzani** (<a href=""></a>)

## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License.

180 changes: 180 additions & 0 deletions env.yml
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@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
name: a3i
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